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A/N: Ay it's a shitty author writing shitty fanfiction. Enjoy .-.

You shivered.
The light was dim and the small unfamiliar cell you'd woken up in few hours ago was cramped and smelled of piss and alien body odor. It wasn't pleasant in the slightest, and the dirty (f/c) scarf held around your mouth and nose did nothing to mask the smell. You held your knees close to your chest to make as much room as possible for the other occupant in the cell who'd been there since you'd arrived. It was too much. You were terrified, had no idea where you were or why you were there and although the man across from you must have felt the same way, or probably much worse since he'd most likely been here longer than you, neither of you said anything. Mostly because he was sleeping. How could he sleep? Why were you two here? Why didn't anyone else passing by the cell look human? And why, most of all, could you hear screaming...?


Time went slow here, and it was agonizing. The only way you could find to pass the time and deal with your growing homesickness was to talk with the broken man 5 feet across from you, who's name you eventually learned was Takashi Shirogane. You didn't recognize him at first, (you weren't one to pay much attention to the news,) but the nagging feeling that you knew him from somewhere rose to the surface finally and it clicked. He was one of the pilots that presumably died on the Kerberos Space mission. You couldn't believe it. How was he alive, and why was he here? Apparently he didn't know either. After that, you two talked often, of earth, of people you used to know, anything to pass the time. He explained that he didn't know where they were either, but it was somewhere far, far away from home, and that their kidnappers were nothing but friendly. You remembered the first time he woke up and you were there, his dull broken eyes looked up at your face and upon recognizing human features, you could see a glimmer of hope flash across them. He often said he had almost lost all hope until you came along, almost lost his sanity, and you were equally grateful for his presence. But sometimes the guards would take him, he wouldn't tell you where he went or what would happen there. But he would come back scarred and bloody, something inside him breaking each time. Sometimes there'd be something different about him, a change in hair color, a new scar. One time he came back and his arm was gone completely, replaced with a threatening metal prosthetic. But you never asked. He needed something to keep him sane, so you'd comfort him. Try to help him through it. Your bond with him grew stronger, it was something of a desperate grasp at normality. Every time he left you'd grow more and more worried that he wouldn't come back.

However, you didn't know why they kept you there. You didn't get to leave your cell except when a Galran guard would occasionally drag you out and into some white medical room. They did something to you, but when you returned to your cell, all memory of what happened was gone. But that didn't bother you. As long as you were alive. As long as Shiro was alive. You could get out of here somehow. There had to be a way.

As long as you both stayed alive.

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