Chapter 2 : One in denial and the other Charmed

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Judes P.O.V.

I raced to my car ready to go home .Turning it on I raced out of the lot not wanting to wait behind all the cars and crap.Turn .turn .straight ,which I'm not .... Geez red light!oh to late passed it.Crap.My phone vibrated and I looked at the message 

Dont forget about the party at my house 2marrow ! 

Of course it was from Nick ,i sighed can i really face John again and not feel compelled to rip his clothes off ? probably not .Oh well who says i cant enjoy myself !  

John p.o.v 

I saw him pull out of the dive way like there was no tomorrow. It not like I'm a stalker ,its these freakin hormones! I just need some clarification. I walked to through the hallways and stood in front of the door I never thought I would. I looked around and took my chance to slip in the door. I saw the small Burnett that greets us every year. Here I am the students counselor .I know I'm over exaggeration but me! Being seen here talking about my issues. Over my dead body! Ms.Dade gave me a quizzical look questioning my presence.

"Umm does this work? " I chuckled nervously

"What brings you here? "She smiled like she's happy I finally have a problem to discuss." take a seat " she pointed to the leather chair and sat in her own."So whats up? " she popped the p.

"Well see I have this friend. " I started

"And he seems to be attracted to this Guy ....or so he thinks he is .....see the Guy is open about being " I looked at her while she had an amused expression plastered on her face.

" Go on.." she urged. I took a few deep breaths before continuing .

" but. I - I mean my friend isn't quiet sure he's attracted to him because he too is a Guy. " I paused

" and what is it that your ' friend ' finds so attractive about this guy?" She pushed her glasses from the bridge of her nose.

" um well the way he acts, how clumsy he is ,how he can make you laugh even when he's down, how caring he is ,how cute and warm his smiles are " just saying it brought a smile to my face until I realized I was telling It to someone I stopped. " At least that's what my friend told me! " I stammered .There were thousands of reasons why I am attracted to Jude. But I shouldn't be. I'm not gonna show it either, what will my parents think? My friends ! Hopefully its just a phase of being curious, not a big deal .It's not a big deal. I can't be gay. I didn't have anything against them. But ME the hottest Jock! Gay ? I'm not accepting it that fast .Although its been bothering me for quite a while.Its only Jude though that make me feel this way.

Maybe if I don't look into it'll go away.Besides I'm not attracted to any other men 

" hey! " My head snapped to Ms.Dean " what's wrong? "

What am i doing here ? I slowly got up .There's not point of me being here.I mean what is she gonna do about it ? Its the way i feel !

She gave me a confused look 

" My friends waiting for me " I lied 

"Wait we haven't talked about !" I heard her say before walking out .

If I ignore it it'll go away . I Suddenly grew confident with my theory when some of my teammates patted me on the back .

"Cant wait till the party tomorrow !" Mike and the other guys cheered .Oh yeah i almost forgot !We won our last game and now I'm throwing a party .Great I got so caught up with the dumb sexuality crisis i forgot .

"Yeah neither can I !" I called as they jogged away catching there bus .A party is just what i need  

I walked nonchalantly to my car winking at a few girls who were drooling over me .I love my life .I smirked at my self nothings gonna change my world .

Authors note

 I wouldnt be so sure of that ...mawhahahaHAHAHAHHAHAHHAh...0_0 *clears throat * ANYWAY !  

I know this is a short segment but i want to save up for the next chapter which will be the party ;D 

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