Love on Ice

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Keith's legs wobbled as Lance led him across the ice. He hated every second of this. He had warned Lance that he was a terrible ice skater and yet here he was, holding both of Lance's hands and being helped skate across the ice like a child. He had fallen multiple times already and to make matters worse every time he glanced over at Pidge they would smile slyly and bob their eyebrows a few times. Keith was perfectly aware he was holding both of Lance's hands, Pidge didn't need to keep constantly pointing out that fact.

Keith slipped and toppled down onto the ice again with a groan. Lance helped him shakily climb to his feet and Keith growled at the ice.

"You almost had it that time!" Lance said encouragingly.

"Yeah, sure I did," Keith said as he rolled his eyes.

"Come on let's try again, Mullet," Lance said with a smile. The other boys smile was so nice. The boys tan skin, dark blue eyes, and brown hair were nice. Heck, even his blue flannel, tight jeans, and white ice skates were nice. Everything about the other boy was nice.

Keith looked down at the ground and tried to will himself not to blush. He took Lance's hands again and they started to move slowly across the ice. He risked a glance over at Pidge who was smiling and bobbing their eyebrows again. Keith quickly looked away and he could feel the heat rising in his face. Why was this happening to him? You'd think that he would at least be able to focus on putting one foot in front of the other and not constantly have to think about how long he was going to be able to hold Lance's hands for.

"Now you're starting to get it!" Lance said.

"Don't jinx me!" Keith yelled. He slipped and landed on his tailbone again.

"My bad," Lance apologized. He helped Keith to his feet and Keith blushed. Lance looked at Keith quizzically before looking down at their hands and returning Keith's blush. "Let's go."

Lance started pulling Keith along by one hand this time, but made no indication that he wanted to let go. They ended up skating like this for a few more minutes before Lance said they were going to take a break. They moved over to one of the benches on the edge of the rink and took a sip of cold water from their water bottles. A few other people came to sit down and Keith scooted closer to Lance. As they sat there it became very apparent to Keith how close their hands were to one another.

Keith brushed his fingers against Lance's. He quickly looked away as Lance turned to stare at him. Keith glanced at Pidge again and instantly regretted it. From across the ice, Pidge snapped a quick photo. How much black mail material was Pidge going to get today?

Lance's fingers laced with Keith's and Lance looked away from him. They sat there awkwardly for a few minutes before there eyes met and Lance pressed a hand against Keith's cheek. He lifted Keith's chin and began to lean in. Lance stopped when there lips were only centimeters apart and dropped his hand before backing away.

"Come on!" Lance said and he dragged Keith back onto the ice. Keith was on the verge of falling over again until Lance spun around and began to guide him again. The more Keith began to think about how close their lips had been the darker shade of red his face turned and because the stars cursed him he tripped and fell into Lance's arms.

They made eye contact and Lance began to blush as well. One of Lance's hands slipped into Keith's hair and the other rested on his hip. Lance pulled him closer until their lips met. Keith stopped breathing for a moment before he leaned into Lance to deepen the kiss. They stayed like that longer than most people probably would for their first kiss. Maybe it was longer because of the shock of the kiss or maybe it was from the way the felt about one another, Keith didn't care, all he cared about was Lance and how good that kiss felt.

When they finally parted Keith immediately wanted to kiss the other boy again. He began to lean in.

"I ship it!" Pidge yelled from the other side of the rink. Keith jumped and pushed away from Lance. Pidge skated across the rink and slid to a stop next to them. "I've been telling you since you first admitted you had feelings for Lance, Keith, that blue and red make purple."

Keith looked down at his red shirt and Lance's blue flannel. Instantly his face turned an even darker shade of crimson.

"But I still have to wonder how you could find any interest in the living meme," They said.

"Back off Pidge," Lance said. He grabbed Keith's hand. The two boys started skating away, fast, and because the stars hated Keith he fell again. "Sorry," Lance said and immediately started helping Keith to his feet.

"Nice going Lance," Pidge said with a smile as they slowly skated by the two boys. Lance glared at them and slowly started to help Keith skate again.

Pidge skated next to the two of them for a while before they seemed to get bored and moved faster. Keith watched the boy guide him along the ice. If the stars or whatever was out there could just let this be, if whatever was there could let him have this boy, let him have this one source of happiness that would be enough. Keith hadn't felt this happy in forever and it was nice.

Their eyes met and Lance smiled at him. Keith's gut rose and his pulse quickened. If Keith could have one wish he would wish for whatever feeling was inside of him to never go away. This was hope, this was happiness, this was love on ice.

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