i dont want you to know me, because im so scared youll hate me when you do

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Poison: built up walls of trust issues and forbidden secrets

Tick tocking at midnight my heart got stuck, locked within the small gap of two feathery bells named life and death.

They tickled and fawned, lightly dusting the slivered pieces of you from my skin, allaying the already slim chance of us.

I pleaded and cried, tearing apart the midnight clock by cogs, gears, and heart. We laid together nameless and twisted like rope knots.

She whispered to me in the dark, "Oh midnight clock, why won't you let me be?" She mocked smiling, exposing her gnarly sharp teeth.

Flustered we fluttered in battle, snarky remarks hidden in cheap red lipstick, ripping apart veins in vain of another. We wrecked one another till our leaving breath.

"Midnight clock I need to know, why would you take my heart so much more?" We brushed our swollen colored cheeks together, creating hues of golds and somber blues.

Wiping her tears, she glared at me. Mid July pools pouring from her darkened eyes, she bit her gums from a muffled cry.

"For I am the midnight clock, only telling others their time and you my friend are the key to inside."

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