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Allmess Dumbleduck walked down to the medical area, unsuspecting of the visitor who told the others of the little secret he had hidden. He opened the medwing's door. Three wands met his throat as the door closed and locked behind him.
"Come now. What is the meaning of this?" Dumbledore asked, letting the twinkle shine brightly.
"Strange. That is what we were going to ask you." Poppy responded, a fire in her eyes.
"I am afraid that I do not understand, Madame." Dumbledore let his magic lace the words he spoke, trying to soothe the three angry wand wielding and very pissed people. Severus snorted, grabbing Dumbasadoor's attention.
"I trusted you. Actually, I didn't trust you. I thought that you were right for a time but I started to see the way you sacrificed anything for this 'greater good' like a dark lord would kill people for speaking out against them. You knew I was turning, didn't you? Was that why you took my son the day he was born? Is that why you ruined the chance for Marie and I to have a child of our own?" Severus demanded from his place on the bed. Bumblingdork tried to look saddened.
"I did what I believed was for the greater good. After all, you married an unknown witch who was a loose cannon. I only wanted what was best for all. Of course, I did realize that you would become like your father. It was only a matter of time." Baboonhead defended himself. Snape's gaze hardened and all control of his magic went out of the window.
"You, you took my son away from me because you wanted power! You wanted me to become bitter and horrid! I turned into this because of you! You should die for what you have done! Have you also payed people to hurt him and/or befriend him?!" Snape yelled as his magic pinned Bumblebee to the wall with great force.
"I am sorry my boy. I had to do it for the greater good."
"YOU DON'T EVEN DENY DOING THIS! HOW TWISTED ARE YOU?!" Severus yelled. Lucius had contributed to the situation by contacting the Ministry. Aurors were on their way as this was happening. It was terrifying but slightly amusing.
"Sev! Do NOT kill him. Your family needs you. Calm down for your son. If you kill Dumblefuck than you will never get to know your son. Think about how Marie will feel if she knew that you would get the Dementor's Kiss." Lucius pleaded. "Please, brother?"
Severus did not respond to Lucius, ignoring what he said but also agreeing with it.
"Love, calm down. We won't let him get away with this."
Poppy tried but still no response.
"Severus Tobias Snape! You will get control of your magic this instant or I will put you over my knee. Do not think that I won't!" Minerva barked. Severus paled before doing exactly as she said. In his defense, one does not disobey the transfiguration professor without being terrified. Not even Tom Riddle messed with her.
"Thank you my dear," Albus Way-Too-Many-Middle-Names groaned as he rubbed his neck.
"Do not thank me. Just because I helped you does not mean that I am on your side. You are sick and twisted." Minerva stated, slapping him hard. Aurors showed up at that moment and subdued the Headmaster.
Marie was rocking her seven year old boy.
"You are such a strong, brave, smart, and amazing child. You have been through so much for one so young, Sebastian. Know that Mommy and Dad will be here for you. And the rest of the family." She continued to hold her child, tears streaming down her face. Sebastian woke and shifted a little. She smiled down at her child with all the love in the world. "Hello, my sweet child."
The tone of General Snape made Sebastian feel safe for the first time in his life. He didn't know how to respond. "Hhi..."
'Great. Now she will think you are stupid and a freak.' He berated himself. She hugged him tighter. "Hello, my son. Yes, I said son. You are my child. My dear, sweet baby. My whole universe! The Dursleys and the Headmaster will pay for hurting you. The truth is on the official documents that are right over there. You were born on January 1st at 12 am. Your father and I were overjoyed when we first saw you, Sebastian. That is what your father wanted to call you. I agreed on the condition that I got to redecorate the nursery. The nurse took you to another room to check on you. After an hour without any news or hearing you cry, your father went to look for you. He found the nurse dead and you gone. A note was all that was left. 'He will do great things for the light' was written on a note. Seven years ago, you were taken. Severus and I searched and searched for you, sweetheart. Everyday, we thought about you but now you are back and oh! My baby! I love you! I love you! I love you!" She sobbed, rocking Sebastian back and forth.
"Aare you really my mommy?" Sebastian asked. She nodded. "Ddo I hhave to go back to the Ddursleys?" He asked timidly.
"No! You are never going back, my sweet Sebastian."
"Is that my name?" Sebastian asked.
"Yes, my baby."
"Hhow old am I? Wehen do I get to really meet my daddy?"
"You are seven and as soon as the Goblins say you are well enough to floo."
"Can I call you mommy?"
"Of course, my love." A goblin healer entered and examined the Prince Heir.
"He is completely fine to floo." The healer said. Marie picked her son up.
"Thank you, Claybone." Marie headed to the floo and grabbed a pinch of floo powder, calling out Hogwarts. Sebastian held onto his mother tightly, positive that he hated the floo network and nervous about meeting his father.

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