Immortality Isn't Lonely

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Arthur and Francis watched as the family finished decorating and wrapping gifts. It was time to break the news to Marie's husband about the curse of those that were part of the Kirkland family, through blood or marriage. Marie had been hiding her immortality through special potions. Severus would soon realize that neither of them have been aging for a decade. A letter had arrived a couple of days ago, a picture of the Malfoys, the Heir of Longbottom, and his beautiful daughter, her husband, and little Sebastian. He had almost passed out in shock. His lost grandchild, the only half mortal to have survived for so long, had been reunited with Marie.
The floo flared to life, the Malfoys and Heir Longbottom stepping out and greeting the the two Ancient Lords. The Malfoys knew who they were and the unique curse upon the family. Severus and Marie emerged a few moments later, a very small child clinging to Marie.
"Father, meet Sebastian. Sebastian, this is your grandfather. He used to be a pirate. That's how he found me." She smiled as Sebastian oohed.
"He's even bigger than you were at this age, Amelia. Hello, love. Oh, darling, he's just the most perfect grandchild ever!" Arthur exclaimed carefully taking Sebastian into his arms and hugging the boy. Everyone saw the moment when Sebastian decided that Grand Father was now his favorite person in the world.
"Amelia?" Severus asked softly.
"I go by Marie nowadays. I'm sure you noticed how long my official name is. Usually people call me Amelia Felicity Maria Cortez-America-Kirkland-Bonnefoy-Jones-Kølger-Slytherin-Gryffindor-Ravenclaw-Hufflepuff-Merlin-Pendragon-Prince. That's the short one, by the way." She whispered back, smiling at him. He nodded dumbfoundedly. She softly kissed him before gliding gracefully to her Father.
"After I get dressed appropriately, I need to set up the ballroom along with Matthew. The guests will be arriving in a few hours." She kissed her father before gliding to her Papa, who led the way and helped her to look the part of the Crown Princess she was.
Arthur watched them go, laughing a little bit. He turned towards Severus and motioned for him to follow Arthur to the study. The Malfoys would be talking to the other family members and watching as Sebastian played with Peter and Neville Longbottom.
*In The Room Where It Happens*
"Sit. This will take awhile." Arthur stated, sitting behind the desk. Severus sat and looked around.
Everywhere in the study were ancient looking muggle family portraits painted centuries ago if the date was to be believed. Severus saw one with a very small, beaten, and starved girl clinging to the almost ageless Arthur Kirkland, who was dressed as a real pirate. He felt uneasy.
"None of you are mortal, are you?" He found himself whispering, looking at the first time Amelia was every painted.
"No. Neither are you. Death just forgot about us. You slowly became immortal. We don't understand how. It happened before we could explain it to you. Sebastian is immortal also. After the third year of life, that is when death stops to talk with us. He can never take our souls. We live in the magical world because it's the only safe place for us anymore. It's not lonely though. We have each other. There used to be more of us but some actually died during World War 2. The last immortal to die was Ivan. Now it's just my family and I. I am sorry that you had to learn this from me." Arthur poured a shot of fire whiskey for Severus.
"Part of me already knew. I don't know how, but I did." Severus simply said after downing the shot. "At least I'm not alone. Although, Marie and I... Amelia and I?" He hesitated. Arthur sighed.
"Amelia once was once known as Virginia Dare but she was born in a Viking village known as Vinland. She was adopted several times before I found her floating as a sacrifice to the sea gods. She decided to go by Maria but she told you Marie because she was confused. You could just call her Maria or Amy." Arthur stated. Severus nodded, understanding in his eyes.
"Alright. Is it strange to not feel betrayed by all of this?" Arthur shrugged.
"It's not everyday you are realizing that you can't stay dead. Time to go get ready for the dance. The two of you can talk about it a little later .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2022 ⏰

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