No Tea

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Classes went well for Marie. She enjoyed the Weasley twins. They had great potential. She sighed as a free hour came up. Maybe she would observe the Magical History class. What she saw made her beyond mad.
"Professor Binns, how does the Goblin Rebellion of the first century that has literally no affect or impact on anything in history take up the whole year?" She inquired as she watched the ghost think about it.
"I never thought about that." Binns said. Marie snorted.
"Teach them something useful like the Battle of Thermopylae or the Siege of Alexandra or of the Fall of Rome!" Marie Snape snapped. Binns stared at her.
"Why don't you teach it?" Draco asked. Binns nodded and floated away.
"Alright, give me a moment." She said before an idea came into her mind. "I'm going to be teaching you guys about the rise and fall of the Romans! I need the boys to go on one side and the gals to go on the other! Good. Now divide into groups of three. No groups of the same house!" She barked. The students rushed to obey. As class came to a close for the day, the girls group of Romans were winning by several points and had conquered some of the other groups.
"Remember what groups you are in!" She called as they packed up.
"Yes, General!" The students called.
"Mr. Longbottom, may you stay for a moment?" She ordered. Neville nodded and came over. "Don't worry, you aren't in any trouble. I promise on my magic. I only wanted to ask you to come to the medical wing with me. I'm a little scared to go alone and you seem like a brave Gryffindor." She encouraged.
"Ookay, General Snape." Neville said and took the General's hand.
"Do you mind if I carried you?" She asked when Neville stumbled for the fifth time. Neville shook his head and Marie picked him up. They arrived shortly afterwards. "Hey, Poppy! Could I borrow some of your time?" She called. Poppy came out of her office.
"Of course, honey!" Poppy said. "Hello, Neville. Did you come because she was too afraid to come alone?" The mediwitch asked as Marie placed the first year on the bed.
"Yes Ma'am." Neville answered.
"So, how's life at home? I didn't really have a home but I'd like to know what yours is like so that I can pretend." Marie said while looking into Neville's eyes.
"Mmy uncle is always mad at me and tried to push me out a window to make me do accidental magic. I didn't and he hhit me with different spells." Neville told her before putting a hand over his mouth. Marie only looked at him with pride. Neville continued. "Gran didn't believe me when I told her about it. She said that my uncle had every right to do it!" Neville said before bursting into tears. Marie hugged the boy.
"You need to tell me how long this has been happening, Neville. We need to know so that we may be able to fix the nerve damage." Marie whispered.
"Ssince I can remember." Neville whispered back. Marie held the child and comforted him. Severus woke up briefly and extended his arms to the child. Marie passed the boy to Severus. "I'm sorry, Professor!" Neville weeped.
"Hush, everything will be alright when you wake up. I know the perfect family that will take care of you." Severus comforted and Poppy watched. Marie stepped over to the floo.
"Malfoy Manor." She called softly. Lucius' face appeared. "Can you step through for a few minutes along with Cissa?" She asked.
"Of course, Marie!" Lucius said. A few seconds later, they appeared. Lucius caught sight of Severus and ran to his brother-in-all-but-blood. The child in Severus' arms looked up.
"Lucius, how do you feel about helping Neville longbottom and taking care of him until he is of age?" Severus asked as he sent the memories to him.
"Of course! We will sign the documents tomorrow! Neville, will you come with me and my wife?" Lucius asked. Neville nodded and was picked up by Cissa. "Get better, brother." Lucius whispered before leaving by floo with his new child and his wife.
"Sev, we need to help Harry. He is way to thin and small!" Marie pleaded.
"Open the Potters will." Sev whispered as Poppy came over to administer the draught. Marie nodded before going to find Potter.
"Mr. Potter, please come with me." She said to Harry. Harry nodded and followed her. She stooped low and picked up the boy who felt like bones and was about the height of a small four year old not an eleven year old. She walked to Poppy's floo and took a pinch of powder. "This is called floo powder. We throw it into the flames and step in when they turn green. We then call out where we are going clearly." She informed him. He nodded. She threw down the powder and called out Gringots. They emerged at Gringots bank. A goblin came over to them.
"Lady Prince? We have been expecting you. This way." The goblin led them to a private room and told them that the bank manager would see them in a moment.

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