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Twenty Six

It was Thursday and I was sitting on the sofa in The Den with Noah. I was close to him with his arm thrown haphazardly around my shoulders. Jade, Lauren and the other kiwi boys littered the room – Jade and Seb playing pool, Lauren and Seb chatting on the sofa next to us, and Rusty being his usual stoned self.

I smiled as Lauren and Seb talked quickly and quietly about the beauty of photography, completely absorbed in their own world. Noah squeezed my shoulder and dipped his head close to my ear. “I’ve never seen Seb talk so much.”

I grinned. “Same with Lauren.”

He chuckled. “Do you feel like a proud parent right now?”

“That sums it up perfectly,” I replied.

From behind us, JJ asked Noah a question about plans for the night. Julia was away on business and Marcus was working late so they had to fend for themselves tonight. As him and Noah discussed plans about dinner, Noah rubbed my arm in small circles. I don’t think he realised he was doing it but that didn’t stop my skin from tingling under his touch. Instinctively, I leaned in more towards him as I scrolled through my Instagram.

Noah and I, like we agreed, were taking everything day by day. Sure, it had only been a few days but everything was great. We spent time together after school, just chilling with his friends and sneaking in a few kisses here and there. Nothing like our last hot make out session but still, it was definitely better than nothing.

At school we were very neutral. We got along easily and acted as friends. He still sat at his normal table and I still sat at mine. And even though it disgusted me to see Ava so close to him, I dug it in because at the end of the day, I had him and she didn't.

 We hadn’t discussed going public with … whatever we were but I was okay with that because I wasn’t even sure if I was ready to go public anyway. I mean, the whole school practically knew he hooked up with my ex best-friend and then there was the fight during the party and it all just seemed so sticky.

But hanging out with him after school was anything but sticky; everything just came so easily. It all felt so natural.

I was focusing on Instagram so I didn’t hear anyone calling my name until Noah flicked the side of my head. “Jade asked you a question," he said.

I frowned at him and made a point of rubbing my temple. “Can you not, you idiot.”

He laughed and poked his tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes playfully and looked at Jade. “Hmmm?”

“You keen to stay for dinner here then we can go back to mine afterwards as planned,” she questioned.

I shrugged. “Sounds good to me.”

We were supposed to be staying at Jade’s tonight because we hadn’t had a girls night in a while. But I guess when hot boys were in the equation. girls night went out the door. I wasn’t objecting though, if it meant I could spend more time with Noah then I was all for it.

I mean, I savoured moments like these. The previous day, when I was here with Jet and Ben, it was so awkward. I made a point of staying away from Noah because Jet’s glare always managed to find us even when we were within arm’s reach of each other. But now I could act freely without him breathing down my neck.

Noah kept up a conversation with JJ so I stayed on Instagram stalking hot famous people. Eventually though, we all moved inside to prep dinner. The boys talked a big game about cooking, but in the end we ended up ordering pizza. 

When the sun went down, when our stomachs were full with pizza, we all sat around the lounge and talked about random stuff. 

Noah was sitting at the end of the sofa and I'd taken up the rest of it, lying on my back with my head in his lap as I played games on my phone. 

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