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My tummy continued to growl in complaint as I hopped into my car so instead of going straight to Noah's, I took a detour and went to the nearest Mc Donalds drive-thru. I ordered some food then eventually made the journey to the Trent house.

After parking my car on the road, I pocketed my keys and phone, grabbed my food and walk towards their humble abode. I grabbed a cheeseburger from my paper bag and started to munch away at it. 

I didn't bother ringing the doorbell, I just opened the front door and went through. I supposed everyone was outside because the house was eerily silent with faint music coming from the backyard. As I made my through to the kitchen, still eating my cheeseburger, the music and laughter got louder. I looked out the kitchen window and saw all the people outside so instead of going out there, I sat at the breakfast bar and ate my Mc Donalds. 

I was chomping on some fries when someone addressed me. I turned around and saw a smiling Ara looking at me. "What are you doing in here?"

"Eating," I said, gesturing to my food. "You want some? I bought too much."

"Seriously? Yes please!" she exclaimed before sitting next to me. She grabbed a cheeseburger. "Have you been outside yet?"

"Nope. I'll say hi to everyone after I eat. I'm already late so who cares if I'm later. Plus, isn't it cool to go late to a party?"

She chortled. "Yeah it is. But word of warning, there's a girl out there who's been talking about you and not good things either."

My stomach dropped. "Is she blonde? Same height as your bother? Skinny?" Ara nodded and I growled to myself. "That would be my best friend. We got into an argument today."

"Ugh, that's unfortunate," she admitted.

I finished off my chicken burger in silence. I wasn't angry … well okay I was, but it was more of a tired-angry. An angry where I just couldn't be bothered anymore. I binned my rubbish and sipped at my coke as a boy came bouncing into the room. He grinned goofily and wrapped his arm around Ara's shoulder, giving her a peck on the cheek. 

Ara gestured to me. "Keaton this is Noah's friend, Marnie. Marnie this is my boyfriend, Keaton."

I knew he was the Emblem3 kid but I didn't say that, instead I said, "Hey you surf down at the beach with Jet sometimes, eh?"

"Trip? Yeah I do. How do you know him?"

"He's my brother," I replied.

"Wait, Trip is your bother?" Ara exclaimed. "I didn't even know!"

I shrugged. "It seems no one does. You surf?"


"Just like your brother then. That's cool. You a lifeguard as well?"

She shook her head. "Nah. I re-broke my arm a while back so it's not that strong."

I cringed. "Sounds gnarly." I noticed Keaton nuzzling her neck and knowing he lived up in LA, I decided to give them space. "I'm gonna go say hi to everyone now. It was nice to meet you Keaton."

"You too."

"Good luck out there," Ara added.

I took a deep breath and went towards the French doors. Putting my hood on and shoving my hands deep into my pockets, I made my way outside. People littered the patio but most people were in the bbq area, seated at the outside table or standing around the fireplace. There were a few people standing next on the grass and near the pool, in front of a small pool house that was tucked away in the corner. I hadn’t seen the previous night; theor house just kept getting cooler and cooler.

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