Relieved, I headed inside to ask for some help.

"Oh Sir are you alright? Should we get you something warm to drink?" The receptionist asked. Without waiting for my response, she hollered for a garçon to bring me some hot tea.

"Hello," I greeted. "Are there any mechanics nearby? My car broke down a few miles down the road."

"I am truly sorry sir, but, I think all the garages are closed for the holidays."

"Who would leave their work four days before Christmas!?"

You did idiot, my inner self scolded.

"How about a taxi driver?"

"I don't think so, but I'll make a call to check," she replied, bringing up the phone to her ear.

I waited in anticipation, tapping my fingers on her desk while I supported my head with my left arm.

"No one." She shook her head. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"Would you like to book a room until we find someone who could fix your car?"

"Sure," I said, reaching for my wallet.

They keys were handed over after the payments were settled. I then called my uncle to explain the situation.

"Uncle Ricardo, my car fumed up, but don't worry I fou-"

"Oh son, did you find anyone to repair it?" he interrupted, concerned.

"Unfortunately, no, but I found a hotel. I'm going to spend a night or two here until I find someone to repaire it."

"I'll come pick you up now. Don't worry."

"No, uncle don't," I pleaded. "There's a hailstorm out there. It's dangerous, and I couln't forgive myself if anything happened to you."

"Don't worry about it, Xavier."

"I lost my father. I don't want to lose you... please."

"Alright, Xavier." He sounded upset. "Everyone was prepared to see you tonight. Anyway, take care and keep me updated."

Muffled cries suddenly pierced the quiet hotel. I stopped walking and looked around, no longer able to concentrate on the phone conversation.

Curiousity, as always, got the best of me.

"I have to go. I'll call you later. Take care." After hanging up, I started walking again while following the cries to a bedroom.

The door was halfway open, so I peaked in to find a young lady sobbing, her back facing me. Her blonde hair brought back memories of a girl, a girl who haunted my dreams and memories.

It can't be, I thought to myself.

As I began to leave, she turned around, revealing herself.

Something within me snapped, and I froze. Her unexpected presence had me taken aback.

After an awkward pause, my expression melted and I felt lighter.

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