Another 3 years

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Azaleas P.O.V.

I'm 6 now my and can say my Abc abcdefghjklmnopqrstvwxyz. I can count to 10 but Ryoul can count to 30. I don't like cake as much but I love icecream cake. My best friends are Soran, Ryoul, and Jason. I still miss mommy and daddy I wish they were still alive. This year im having an icecream cake and a green 6 candle Quilet made form me you can eat it so its not really a candle but it looks yummy. I love green its my favorite color. I love Quilet and Rick their like my other mommy and daddy. So mommy made me the candle and I love daddy people say I'm a daddy's girl. "Cake time"mommy yells "icecream cake time" I insist."I wish I have a nice mate." I blow out the candle and eat

"HIS" P.O.V.

I can smell her,shes a were tiger. Ive watched her all 6 years from birth to now. I watched her parents die, I watch her birth, and I hope to watch her die by my hand of corse. Her kind should not be allowed to live. My name is Holden and I'm a werewolf I'm only 8 in wolf years. My parents died trying to kill hers. I want to kill her, yes I know what she, is a were tiger the last one thanks to my parents and Alpha Rexford and his pack. My parents where the betas. My dad was born a beta and my mom an omega but she was his mate so she became the female beta. Azalea had a mate till Alpha Rexford killed him a month ago. I hate Azalea for what she is I guess its called being rasist or animalist.

Sorans P.O.V.

Holden is here if he trys to hurt my angel I will kill him and yes Azalea is my angel. I love her I wish she was a werewolf so I could have a chance to be her mate. Amadayus is from the Redford Pack his parents were the betas they killed weretiger so I know he'll try to hurt her and her parents killed his parents so to him its personal. She does not know what he is or what his plan is all she knows is that hes a werewolf and is her friend. "Soran?" Her beautiful voice called it sounded like everything good mixed together. "I'm up here." All of a sudden I felt a shock when she touched me, could she be my mate? "Sorry I'm wearing my fuzzy socks." So no shes not my mate "its okay" she smiles at me I live for that smile like most of the pack does. She runs away scream/giggling "its icecream cake time!" As she blow out the candle she says her wish out loud "I with for a good mate". I look at my parents and brother. My family is the only one that knows what she is not even she knows but when she turns 12. We know she will not have a mate. When she dies so does her kind.

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