VIII: Explanation and Results II

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"No matter what, Solomon, I do not intend
for you to enter my and my child's life. I only did this because I do not want him growing up without knowing you, for you were the one who helped create him. Nevertheless, even if Aladdin is your offspring as well, I do not view you as his father. I want Aladdin to have a father who loves him, I don't want him to have a father who thinks that he is just his 'responsibility.' I'll be fine with just the two of us."

And with half of her feelings expressed, she felt a little lighter and left the room, leaving a shocked Solomon behind.

Sheba went back into the living room and continued to happily converse with everyone, watching as Aladdin and Tess proceeded to have fun.

Not long after, Solomon went back into the room as well.

Sheba laughed at one of the antics of their friends when she caught Solomon looking at her.

She smiled and proceeded to say,"Would you like to meet Aladdin?"

He nodded.

"No matter what, Solomon, I do not intend
for you to enter my and my child's life."

"Aladdin! Come here and meet Mr. Solomon."

"Nevertheless, even if Aladdin is your offspring as well, I do not view you as his father."

"Alright mama!"

He looked at the child that was the very image of him, save for the shape of his eyes, and a few small distinguishable features of Sheba.

He looked at the child that was his son, that was supposed to be his child.

"If I had said that back then, you would be a father and partner to someone you didn't want to be in a relationship with."

He looked at the girl---no woman, whom he was supposed to be married to, who was supposed to be his wife.

"We look really alike! You must be my daddy! It's nice to meet you!"

"I didn't want that for you, and for Aladdin."

He looked at what could have been his family, if he hadn't decided to break things off.

"...Yes, it's nice to meet you too, Aladdin."

He gave a small smile, holding his hand out for the boy to shake, the boy smiling so innocently, so....

And to his surprise, the boy didn't take his hand, instead hugged him.

"It's really, really nice to meet you!"

The boy exclaimed with a big smile.

He looked at the woman, smiling at his--- no, their son.

He looked at her hand, which was free of a
certain jewelry, then he looked at his soon-to-be wife, chatting happily with Falan.

As he released the boy, his head was filled with murky thoughts.

Did Ugo know about this? Why did he not tell me?

She says she does not want me in her or our child's life,yet she allows me to get close
to him.

Why is she not hating me? If she had said this before, would things be different?

Would it be true that if I had known about this earlier, I would not love our son?

Why is it only now she decides to show? Have I made a mistake?

Was I wrong when I said I only viewed her as a friend?

Am I wrong? Are things truly fine the way they are now?

Such thoughts were swimming in his head, he felt ready to burst with all the questions in his head.

Too many questions, with little to no answers.

But the most loud and prominent voice in his head was,

Is the ring on the wrong girl?

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