Chapter 9

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"Hey, hey, hey, calm down. Ya don't want Miss Plumber to think we's as rude as the Manhattan boys." It was late in the evening, the day after the fight at the distribution center. Ringer was leaning against the wall in the front of the girls' room, shoulders hunched and her cap pulled down low. She had taken quite a beating yesterday, not that she would ever admit it. She beat the hell out of some scabs but didn't come out scott-free, especially before Brooklyn arrived. There was bruises littering her arms and torso and she had a black eye to match the one she had gotten a few days ago. A long cut went down the length of her left bicep, and it burned every time she flexed her muscle.

She wasn't gonna lie; she hurt like hell. It took a lot of willpower not to cry after their victory, and that's saying something, because Ringer hardly ever cried. She just bit her lip and put on a brave face for the remainder of yesterday. She couldn't let anyone know that she was in pain.

On a brighter note, Genie had managed to snag an interview for the girls. That Katherine character had written a piece about Jack Kelly and the Manhattan boys, and despite being a girl journalist, managed to get it not just in the papes, but on the front page! Above the fold! If there was anyone more perfect to help them out, it would be her.

The girls were chattier and more jittery than usual, and Ringer had to call out to them more than once to chill out. She surveyed the crowd to make sure everyone was accounted for. Sunny was rushing around the room, making sure everyone looked presentable, Rags was chatting with Kiwi, probably recounting how she had personally taken out Oscar during the battle. Ringer couldn't help but grin at that. Freckles, Softie, and Hatter were braiding each other's hair on one of the top bunks, and Kitty—the poor thing—was reading a book in the corner with a sour look on her face. It was obvious that she didn't like the idea of Katherine being in their lives.

"Here she is! King of New York, everyone!" Genie announced, walking into the room with Katherine walking briskly behind her. Kitty scowled and buried her face further into the book.

"If you're the king, could I be your queen of New York?" Hatter giggled, jumping off the bunk and bowing dramatically. The room erupted into a fit of giggles and Katherine scribbled down something on a notepad.

"Alright, that's enough. Let Miss Plumber get a few words in." Genie smiled sweetly at the reporter. Katherine's eyes lingered on her for a moment and then she straightened herself out and looked around the room.

The questions came fast and she wrote down the answers even faster. Genie and Ringer answered most, as they were the ones representing the girls, but some of the others got to put in a few words. Rags gave a heavily detailed description of just how evil the Delanceys were and how they mistreated newsies. North was the emotional appeal, talking about how she was trying to support her mother and little brother, and that she couldn't do that if they raised the prices. Sunny lamented that they had to work twice as much to get the same pay as the boys. Kiwi, Softie, and Hatter talked about the rough life of being a newsie. As soon as it started, the interview was over.

As Katherine packed up and the others settled down, Ringer approached her, making sure they were lit of earshot. "Hey, Plumber. You ain't, uh, planning on making a move on Genie, are ya?" The poised girl's eyes widened. "Oh! Of course not! Are you two a thing? I'm sorry if I come off like that." Ringer stifled a fit of laughter.

"God, no. But I think someone here's a little jealous, so I was just wonderin'." Ringer chuckled. Katherine smiled and shook her head, then looked out the window. "Don't worry. I've got my eye on someone else."

Ringer cocked an eyebrow but didn't ask any more. All she did was grin. "Alright then. See ya some other time, Plumber. Make us famous."


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