Chapter 3

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Ringer’s heavy paper bag pulled her weight towards one side as she trekked to Grand Central Station. The place was constantly crowded, but that was good for newsies. The more people there were, the more papes she sold.

Unfortunately, Ringer was pretty claustrophobic. It stemmed from having to live in that damned crowded orphanage. But, she would rather die before letting anyone know that, so she sucked it up.

Once she reached her usual spot—the bottom of the marble stairs that lead to the main entrance of the station—she pulled out a paper and held it up high. The tourists pouring in and out of the terminal were great potential, since they were either unaware what was going on in the city or needed something to read during a train ride.

Ringer's voice was deep by default, but she always made it as low as possible to pass as a guy. "Extra extra! Baby born with two heads, right here in New York!"


Sunny' skirt swayed softly as she swept the floor of Jacobi's, her dark curls falling down her shoulders. She glanced out the window and grinned as she saw some of the girls walking past, towards their selling spots. She gave a little wave, hoping they would notice her, and they did. The three girls waved back excitedly and one even blew a kiss jokingly. Sunny couldn't see who it was, because of the crack in her glasses, but she blew one back anyways.

She was upset that she had to spend the day cooped up inside, but it looked like today was pretty hot, so she didn't mind too much. She was just glad, and lucky, that she had another job to put more money in her pocket. It was hard to get a job, being a girl and all, especially one as good as this. She started humming a little tune as she swept, a smile on her face.


Rags and Oscar strolled for a bit before they knew they had to split off to do their jobs. That's actually how they met. They were selling papes around the same area and got into an argument over who had the rights over the area. It was hate at first sight. After they passed the stage of tolerance, they saw each other in a new light. It helped that Oscar was quite the attractive man. Soon enough they were courting.

They agreed that when at work, they would work on separate streets to avoid distracting each other. Afterwhich they usually meet up after their daily rounds and he would accompany Rags two blocks before Lizzie's Home since they were keeping their relationship a secret. Now that it was out, she could bring him to the Hall whenever she wanted.

She started her day in a brilliant new outfit she pulled together the previous. In a better life, Rags imagines herself to be quite the fashion designer. She takes pride in having meticulous details in her clothes. Today she donned a teal long sleeved shirt with its sleeves rolled up to her elbows. Over it she wore a thin black vest that was buttoned all the way to the top. She paired this with brown pants with pockets all over; at the hips, back and knees. The pants were hoisted up by a simple twine belt. What really pulled the outfit together was her matching brown lace up boots that went up to her calves.

Despite being dressed like boy (she found it both more comfortable and effective to sell papes in this), she was easily the best dressed Newsie amongst both the boys and the girls. Save for Genie who came a close second (well her tactic did require her to look good. Her red dress today was rather uncalled for though).

She headed to Lady Liberty. It was a hotspot for tourists. They had finished the construction less than a decade ago and its presence was still a novelty to both citizens of Manhattan and tourists alike. So Rags received a load of customers here. She used her previously picked out Headline of the Day and started her job for the day.

"EXTRA, EXTRA! Streetcar Strikes! Get out of their way, folks before they ram you over!  Read more on page 5!"


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