Chapter 4

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Their working day was over and the girls retired to Irving Hall, the entertainment hall where Medda Larkin performed. Medda was sort of a mother to all the Newsies who came to the Hall. Though she did lean more towards the boys seeing that she was a family friend of Jack Kelly's.

"Hey Medda!" Genie came in and greeted her honorary mom with a kiss on the cheek. Kitty hugged her.

"Hello Kitty darlin'! Genie, aren't you looking foxy. Who's the lucky man?" The two girls laughed it off. Genie then winked at her.

"It's all for you, Medda." The older girl gave her a little shimmy. Medda giggled before guiding them into the hall, informing them at Ringer was already there. Ringer saw them as soon as they entered the theatre and waved them over where she was seated with some of the boy Newsies. Genie recognised them to Jack Kelly with two other unfamiliar faces. Kitty and Genie weaved their way through the theatre to them.

"Did the big bad man-boy kidnap you two? I'm so sorry." She shot Jack a lazy smirk. He pursed his lips and rolled his eyes.

"Come off it, Gi."

"It's Genie to you, Mister." She flipped him off. She had a bit of a tiff with the leader of the boy Newsies ever since he crossed her by stealing one of her customers. The nerve he had to do that to Regina Hearst. Of course he didn't know who she was but it wouldn't kill him to be a decent human being. If he needed extra money, he could have asked nicely.

She turned to the two newbies and smiled.

"What would your names be?"

"Davey and Les. Oh Genie stop looking like you want to take a bite out of them. You are going to scare them off." Ringer slapped her forearm playfully and Genie bared her teeth jokingly. She introduced herself and Kitty to the new boys and took their seats. Kitty scanned their area of the theatre that was usually reserved for all Newsies that came and went there.

"Where's everyone else?" It was odd, usually the rest were early.

"I just saw North drop off her brother so she should be on her way. They'll take their time and stroll in like they own the place." Ringer answered, slightly anxious as well.

"You mean strut in like this is your territory." Jack sneered. Genie patted his cheek with mock affection, riling him up even further.

"Down boy. It's not your fault Medda likes us better. We just happen to be more lovable." Kitty pulled back Genie just as she finished her snarky remark.

"Don't start something that you can't end." Kitty whispered hurriedly.

"She's right, Gi." Her best friend chimed in. Genie grinned at Ringer.

"Since when did you ever say no to a fight?"

"I just didn't want to kick Cowboy's ass in front of Medda. I'm nice like that." This angered Jack but he never got a chance to pick a fight when the other Newsie girls came walking in just on time, followed by the rest of Jack's own Newsies. Buttons and Kiwi seemed very cozy while Hatter and Specs watched them with pleased grins. They were followed by North, Freckles and Sunny. The only one missing was Rags. When everyone else came over to their little Newsies nest, Genie immediately questioned her whereabouts. It was the motherly instinct in her, she was doing a headcount with Rings as they all came in. When Rings confirmed one was missing, Genie became more protective.

The other girls exchanged uneasy looks. Clearly they knew where Rags was but wasn't sure if they could bring it up, seeing that the Newsies boys were here. They wouldn't particularly welcome the person Rags was with. Genie was never good at picking up clues like this and she boomed at their secretive glances.

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