#003 Meganium

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Meganium, the Herb Pokémon. The evolved form of Bayleef and the final evolution of Chikorita. It is said that Meganium's petals can release an aroma that can soothe anyone that comes in contact with it and can calm aggressive feelings. Its breath has the power to revive dead grass and plants. Its powerful and soothing regenerative powers can even come about by being around it, giving those who stand near the impression of being in a clean and lush forest. Meganium tend to be a very docile species and has been observed to be a peacemaker. Meganium can rarely be found living in grasslands. – Nurse Evergreen

After having gotten distracted by Bayleef and the Chikorita, Nurse Isabelle and Ranger Dominic went inside Elm's laboratory. Once Professor Oak learnt of their plan to go to Johto, he had advised them to visit Professor Elm. What exactly he did Izzy forgot, but their trip was basically done to synchronise her Pokédex at the lab.

When they arrived, Dominic chatted amiably with the Professor, who he apparently knew through a mutual connection: his mother. Vivian Foster was the warden of the Safari Zone of Johto and therefore had regular contact with Professor Elm, who relied on her to supply him with field research data. Dominic didn't know Elm very well first hand though; the first thing Elm had said was 'I remember when you were this high', gesturing to somewhere below his hips. .

While Dominic introduced himself in his charming way, Nurse Isabelle plugged her Pokédex into the computer, downloading data about the Johto Pokémon that Oak had been unable to provide, as well as uploading the anomalies she had discovered such as more information on the fur colours of Eevee, the variants of Magikarp, and details of a brief sighting of a wild Squirtle who had looked distinctly different from the domesticated starter.

"May may!" A gentle voice called out. Looking to the source of the sound, Isabelle was surprised to see the head of a Meganium stick through an open window.

"Hello there, gorgeous," Isabelle cooed, approaching her to stroke her head. This Pokémon was rather old. Her flower wasn't as vibrant and her petals drooped a little. She was by no means elderly, but the comparison to a middle-aged lady would be well suited.

"Saur!" Ivysaur exclaimed, reaching his vines out to shake hers. Even Dominic and Elm joined her now. Her fiancé knelt down to rub Ivysaur over his bulb as Elm hesitantly stroked Meganium's head.

"What's her story?" Isabelle asked, sitting on one of the desks and crossing her legs.

"Elm told me about her!" Dominic exclaimed. "Apparently, Meganium here is a hero. Did all the gyms back in her day and even the Silver Conference. But ... something happened?" he faltered, not quite sure of the details and too polite to ask. "And now she's here, having become a mother to several Chikorita, like the ones outside with Bayleef." Meganium nodded solemnly as Elm sighed.

"Yes, and she is a great mother. But now that her children are evolved, having their own children, or about start their own journeys... she seems bored, somehow? I can't really explain it. I'd hoped Vivian's son would know what to do, or even a certified nurse."

"I think there's still some life in this lady, isn't there?" Isabelle said. "I'm a Pokémon nurse, Meganium. Like all the Joys you've seen. My darling Ivysaur here recently mated and became a father. Therefore, he is no longer journeying with me, to be with his lovely Rosie and his baby I've yet to meet. However, I am looking for a companion to help me."

At this, Meganium cried out excitedly yet in a slightly mellowed manner.

"If that's okay with you, of course, Professor?" Izzy added in an afterthought. Elm merely nodded, looking highly uncomfortable. When Ivysaur seemed pleased with it too, Isabelle felt good about the arrangement. Dom was grinning too, knowing how much Izzy loved her grass-types. He suspected it was because she was such close friends to Erika, who ran an entire grass-based gym! Besides, Meganium was an excellent Pokémon to have. Their natural ability was to sooth Pokémon, and her being a mother made her even better at it.

Nurse Isabelle and the Johto Pokédex: the Trials of a Field NurseWhere stories live. Discover now