#002 Bayleef

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Bayleef, the Leaf Pokémon. The evolved form of Chikorita. The aroma wafting from the leaf-like growths around its neck has a spicy scent, and exhibits various beneficial effects on itself, nearby people, or Pokémon who inhale it. The fragrance has a combination of energizing, stimulating, and healing effects. Bayleef can be rarely found in grasslands. – Nurse Evergreen

An announcement during dinner let Nurse Isabelle know a Pokémon had arrived for her. After a quick word to her companion, the blonde nearly ran to the front desk to accept the Pokéball. Her hand trembled when she took it and, for a moment, she stared at her reflection in the shiny red surface. Then she pressed the button to open it and let out whoever was inside.

He took a moment to materialise but when her starter opened his eyes, the young nurse lost it. She sank to her knees and hugged Ivysaur against her chest as a tear made its way down her freckled cheek. He made all these little noises that made her heart melt in nostalgia. After a while, she let go, wiped her cheeks, and cooed Ivysaur to follow her.

Upon arriving back at the dining hall, Isabelle noticed Dom had taken the remainder of her pancakes and had eaten them all. However, when he saw her with red eyes, he stood up and stroked her damp cheeks, making her smile. After a sweet kiss on her forehead, he let her sit, went to get a cup of tea for her, and then knelt down to greet Ivysaur.

"He's gotten chubby, hasn't he?" Dominic remarked none too tactfully.

Isabelle snorted and nodded, stirring honey into her tea. "Yeah, he has. I guess life in Erika's paradise has been good on him. Lots of food and no longer having to follow me all around the region." She helped Ivysaur onto the booth where he cuddled against her lap.

"Lemme guess. You're taking him for a walk with us to New Bark town, to Elm?"

Izzy nodded, rubbing her sore eyes. "Yeah. There and back again, and then I have to send him back."

"I think you're very brave," the ranger smiled at her, reaching over to hold her hand. She gave him a weak smile.

That night, Ivysaur slept on his accustomed spot on Izzy's bed, where she laid on her side and he laid in the curve of her curled up legs. By the time the sun rose, Isabelle felt better than she had in days. The coils of turmoil in her heart had lessened its grip on her.

While she showered, Dominic went to made a brunch package from the breakfast buffet. They were out and on the road in no time.

As expected, Ivysaur loved Cherrygrove city and the grassy fields that led to New Bark town. He hobbled as fast as his short legs could carry him from patch to patch of flowers. Izzy had to agree; the flowers were unlike she had seen in Kanto and seemed to smell sweeter as well. Maybe that was because the air wasn't polluted by city stench or because it was at the end of the summer.

Holding hands, Dominic and Isabelle casually made their way to the next town. Because this was Dom's region, he told her what he knew of Elm, which wasn't much.

"Elm? He's that Pokémon professor guy? He has a specialisation, but I can't tell you what. Absolutely no clue. I heard he's rather absent-minded, but basically a cool guy."

Because the summer was ending, a new selection of hopeful people would soon start their journey of becoming a Pokémon trainer. In the grassy fields of the hill on which Elm's laboratory stood, a Bayleef watched over several Chikorita that are yet to be picked up. There were about four of them with each their own character. One was sleeping in the sun. One chased another around, hitting the latter with his leaf while Bayleef wasn't looking, causing the victim to whimper. The fourth sat between Bayleef's legs, watching it all calmly.

Ivysaur, father as he is, immediately dashed over and scolded the little bully Chikorita. Bayleef did not like that another grass-type interfered with their little ones and startled shouting at Ivysaur. All in all, it was a mess and Elm was nowhere to be found. So Isabelle lifted the heavy Ivysaur in her arms and left the Bayleef to her litter.

"You can't boss over them all, Ivy. The Pokémon in Erika's gym are yours to boss, not these Pokémon. They don't know you or your kind and get all defensive, as you've seen."

"Saur..." came the sad reply. Izzy hugged him to her chest as she retreated back to Dominic, who watched in an amused manner at how Bayleef tried to keep all four Chikorita controlled.

Nurse Isabelle and the Johto Pokédex: the Trials of a Field NurseWhere stories live. Discover now