( eleven )

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hellu frans i'm finally
back with another chapter ~

so sorry i was honestly really
busy with schoolwork and
further commitments +
i didn't have any wifi so my bad 😟

anyway enjoy the chapter, ilyguys 💓


it was a bright sunny day and honestly, a little too sunny for jihoon but he was obviously too nervous and anxious to care about the weather now.

it was the day he stepped into the pledis building as an official trainee.

unlike the usual, boring days, jihoon sprang out of bed fifteen minutes before his alarm on the phone even rang. this sufficiently shows how truly anxious he was.

it was like if he didn't feel nervous, this unreal reality will just shatter and break into pieces right in front of his face, throwing him back into the pathetic hole of loneliness and stress.

after a quick morning routine, jihoon swiftly marched out of the house, due to his overly nervous stances and awkward movements.

he was like part of an army troop, marching steadily with hard actions and huge steps-- that's how nervous he was.

as jihoon took petite, unnatural and hurried steps towards the bus stop, once again, his inner demons started to conquer the deepest corners of his ventricles, filling his brain with the same old unwanted thoughts again.

they flowed in like the strong currents of a tsunami attack, showing no signs of slowing down, or even merely subsiding for just a short while. it was always like this for jihoon, and unfortunate to say, he has gotten so used to it, he couldn't even try to put up a fight anymore.


next chapter coming up really soon!!

heal me ➸ jicheolМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя