Beside him was another, older, man. His eyes met mine in the rear view mirror. He smiled at me kindly before looking away. Kat and Lili were both behind me, both asleep, Brody holding Lili close to him.

"How did I not wake up? I'm a light sleeper."

"I don't know, maybe you were just tired." Selena suggested, trying to sound casual.

"I seem to only become unconscious randomly when I'm around you people." I told her what I was thinking, then paused and glanced down, looking at the arm Selena was cradling. I remembered what happened right before I passed out then. Hair had sprouted from the backs of her knuckles and the back of her hand. It had grown wider and longer and her nails were replaced by thick, long talons. "I saw your han-" I started, fear in my voice now.

"We're here." She cut me off, obviously trying to distract me.

It worked though because as soon as my gaze landed on the castle in front of us, she was forgotten.

It was a different angle than I was used it, but I knew this was it. This was my castle. The one I had seen every night since I woke up in the hospital. I gulped and crawled over Selena, throwing the door open and jumping out.

"Where are you going?" I vaguely heard Selena question as she followed behind me, but I didn't answer her. I couldn't answer her.

I didn't know exactly where I was going, but my instincts told me around to the back. It seemed like I was behind the castle in my dream.

The estate was huge, so it took me a while to walk around. I took in the beauty of the place as I walked. It was made of dark stone, a few vines climbing up in some places. It looked very gothic and medieval. I already loved it.

Once I made it to the back, I bypassed the gardens and walked to the edge of the trees. From there, I slowly turned around. Tears filled my eyes at the sight. I blinked them away so I could see clearly, the hot salty liquid tumbling down my cheeks.

"This is the castle from my dream." I mumbled.

"What?" I heard from beside me.

That snapped me out of my trance. My brows furrowed as I turned to look at Selena who followed me here.

"What?" I asked, not sure what she was talking about.

"You said something about seeing the castle in your dreams?" Selena grilled me.

I hadn't actually realized I said that aloud. I hadn't even realized she was still near me. "I didn't say that." I lied.

"Yes, you did. I was right here." She gave me a harsh glare for lying.

"You misheard me. I never even remember my dreams." I denied.

"You're ly-"

"I'm starving. Can we go inside? It's cold out here." I interrupted, trying to distract her.

I don't know if it worked, but she did drop the subject, although her disappointment shone in her eyes. "Sure." She answered, blowing out a deep breath. "Come on."

She led the way, taking us into the castle through a giant room with an indoor pool. The room was made of glass, the moonlight reflecting through the windows and onto the surface of the water. As we walked through, I admired the castle.

The inside was even prettier than the outside. The walls were made of dark stone and the floors were a dark marble, so clean they shined under the dim lighting of the faux candle wall lights, which were held up by black wrought iron. Blood red carpets were spread out sporadically and gothic art hung from the walls.

Finding KendallWhere stories live. Discover now