cinderella she seems so easy (BT)

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cinderella she seems so easy

as she scrubs the bathroom floor

dreaming of a new life

beyond the double locked front door

she dreams of a fairy godmother

and a stretch limousine

a fancy dressed chauffeur

being treated like a queen

gowns made of the finest silks

and shoes of crystal glass

fancy balls of wine and dancing

mixing with the upper class

she envisions seeing him

walking across the marble floor

taking her in his arms

wanting her as her princess, evermore

but her dreams are whisked away

by the smell of stale shit

elbow deep in a toilet bowl

the septic odours emit

her days are filled with cleaning

cooking, laundry and chores

torture and torment abounds

from her two sister whores

she has no fairy godmother

and she is bound in chains

no stretch limousine

just toilets and clogged drains

there will be no fancy balls

no prince to whisk her away

just a slave scullery maid

until her dying day

poems inspired by BOB DYLAN'S ... 'Desolation Row'Where stories live. Discover now