The Twist

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Nathan carefully opened the doors of the huge old oak door and winced slightly when it creaked.
It was midnight, way past his curfew, and he was trying very hard not to make any noise to avoid a month's detention.
He entered the terrace which was heavenly lit with the light of the moon. The full moon shone brightly, acting as a traitor, for now, he could be easily seen. Not wasting any more time he started to look around and continued searching for her. After about a good ten minute search, when he saw no one, he let out a sigh full of defeat.
He had searched for her in all the good hiding places he knew, which were, by the way, a lot. This place was his last hope. Then a dangerous thought crossed his mind

'Maybe she has taken heed to our words and left the school' he thought with a shudder.

'No she can't leave, even though she isn't my friend, I know one thing for certain that she loves this place, she can never leave this place.'

'Maybe, she is back in her room sleeping snuggly while I am searching for her in this bitter cold' he said with a shiver, just to console himself.
'I'll just go back to my room before I get caught'
But his new found courage won't let him give up so soon, today he was on a mission and he had to finish it even if it meant detention for a month. Today, for the first time he was going to do something for himself.
He thought firmly 'I can't go back now. I'll go and search for her in her room.'
He was heading back towards the great old oak door once again when he heard a whimper, almost a small sob.
His head snapped, he knew it she was here. He almost jumped in triumph, but then remembered he had to make no noise. He carefully walked towards the direction of the noise which led him towards the thick curtain of ivy. But he saw no one there. He got puzzled at first but slowly realised that she was definitely behind the thick curtain.
He pushed his way through the thick foliage of rose bushes, during which he got several nasty pricks on his legs.
'What a wonderful hiding place, no one would have even dreamt that behind these deadly roses, one could seek oblivion' he thought.

Pushing the ivy away, exposed him to a huge place which was almost the size of the rest of the terrace. As if, the curtain of ivy divided the terrace into two equal halves. And Nathan believed that this side of the terrace was certainly more beautiful. The floor was adorned with hundreds of different coloured roses. Roses he had never seen before. It was a mesmerising sight. From between the rose bed was a clear path to walk in,leading to a cute small shack with 4 chairs and a small table in between. Behind the shack stood Ari, leaning against the railing of the terrace.

Yes, from the past 2 hours he was searching for Ari Dawson, his "supposed"arch enemy.

He gave out a huge sigh of relief, he finally found her.

His movements did not go unnoticed by Ari, as she heard someone pull away the curtain, which separated her favourite place in the whole school from the common terrace, she was filled with anger.

As her secret place was secret no more.

Filled with rage, she turned back and was shocked to see, a tall well built figure with dark brown hair falling on his forehead and hazel coloured eyes, Nathan Webb. Standing in the middle of the flower patch with an astonished look on his face while he was taking in his surroundings. Sure, he had never seen this place before as this was "her" place.

Nathan saw Ari standing with her back towards him. She looked like a real beauty as the light from the moon reflected from her body. For the first time he really noticed how small and petite she was, almost fragile.

But anyone who really knew her would never call her fragile. Never.

She was slim with the height of 5 feet 4 inches and long raven coloured hair.
It was her hair which usually grabbed attention towards her. Her eyes were deep black, almost giving her chiselled face a scary look. Except that right now they were brimming with tears.

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