Fite meh

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Am I the only one that has the ability to be so pissed or feisty or annoyed, but when an authority figure or the person I probably sassed heard what I said, I can put on the sweetest smile and attitude to pretend that everything is fine? Like when I got dress coded I was really mad, yet when the principal came out after she was done inspecting the rest of my class and was talking to me I was just like 'yeah, it's fine y'know, I needed to buy some jeans anyway!' When on the inside I was very, very salty. I got back to class and I probably looked like I was about to murder the next person to talk to me. Another instance was when this one girl was doing the 'I say ____, you say ______!' Thing and frankly she's quite annoying so when she did that while passing our lunch table I said shut up. Well apparently she recognized that I said something, I don't think she knew what I said, but she turned and went 'What?' To which I plastered the biggest smile on my face and said 'Nothing!'. Thankfully she went away, but then I was traumatized. Now I just really hope that this is a sign that I'm getting better at lying so I can sass more people and all that but oh my. I don't even know anymore.

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