The Lupins House Part 2

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Lily was really scared now for their lives. She could not believe that Black was going to do this. How did it get this far with him? He seemed like a good boy at one point, but now he wasn't. James popped his head in. "Is everything alright in here, Sirius?" He asked.

Sirius gave a nod without looking at James. He still had his wand pointed at Remus. "Yes everything is fine. Go check on Severus please. He has to be around here" said Sirius with a smirk on his face. "Kill him if you see him."

James took a look at Lily with a big smile on his face. "I will, Sirius. It would be my pleasure to take him out then I could have Lily for myself" said Sirius.

Sirius turned his head around to look at him. He had to set him straight on that one.  "One small problem there James, Voldemort wants her dead. Unless you can make him see what use she would be to you" said Sirius.

James cursed as he left the room to go look for Severus. "Thanks for reminding me about that Black" he called out.

Sirius turned his head back around. He had a big smirk on his face. Now was the time to stop playing games. They could not afford to lose anymore time. Sirius moved his wand away from Remus. He would deal with him in a minute. "I am going to kill you all one by one and there is nothing you can do about it" said Sirius laughing.

Hope hung onto her son wondering why the man just did not get it over with. It would be much lass painful plus an added bonus he would get out of here quick. It's not like she wanted to die, but this man seemed to be all talk and nothing more. "Young man why don't you get it over then? If you are serious then why not do it quickly" said Hope speaking to him.

Sirius thought about that. She had a very good point, but would take all the fun out of it. "You mean like this" Sirius said. He pointed his wand at Lyall and said "Avada Kedavra." Hope let out a scream as her husband moved no more. Sirius started laughing some more. "What a sham it was to kill him. He believe that you were a monster Remus. I am sure I could have gotten him on our side" Sirius said speaking to Remus.

Remus tried to get up, but his mum held him close. He wanted to kill Black himself. "You know you can't win right?" said Remus.

Sirius smirked. "I can and I will win, Lupin. Cruio" Sirius had said pointing his wand at Remus.

He slumped over in pain. Remus was screaming as a man ran in. "Drop your wand now, Black" said the man.

Sirius did not drop his wand, but he did stop. He then slowly turned around. "Did Dumbledore send you?" he asked the man.

The man was not smiling at all. He had a cloak on. Lily gave him a look. He was from the Ministry. "Dumbledore did send me. My wife is upstairs now with Potter. He warned us and told us to come get you. So drop your wand before I disarm you" Frank stated.

He was willing to give the man a chance, but that was all. Sirius hung onto his wand. "Peter take care of this loser so I can finish them off" said Sirius.

Peter was down right terrified now. If he did not do what Sirius asked then he would die, but if he did then he would face worse trouble. "Sirius, please do not make me do this. I am not a killer and you know it. Please do it yourself" said Peter.

'Do I have to do everything myself' thought Sirius. Frank was watching the two. Siriuis looked bewteen the two. He so badly wanted to kill the Auror, but Peter was the better choice to kill. Peter would always be in the way where as he could always kill the Auror at a later date. Sirius pointed his wand at Peter. "You do not have to do this, Black. I can just take you in" said Frank half-heartly.

He knew there would be lots of paper work after this, but that would be one less Death Eater out there. "Avada Kedavra" said Sirius killing Peter without a care in the world.

Peter fell to the floor. It made a loud bang. Frank then bounded Sirius with some ropes as he watched Peter lay on the floor. Sirius had a small smile on his face as he fell to the ground. Frank walked over to Sirius, bent down and took his wand. It was a good day. Two Death Eaters would be off the street and one was dead. Not bad for a days' work. "You are under arrest for killing him and Mr. Lupin" said Frank. "Plus what ever else you have done."

Frank was still bent down when Sirius spat in his face. "You will pay for what you are about to do. You will not get away with this. Voldemort will be after you" said Sirius.

It did not bother Frank at all. He knew Voldemort would not worry about this for a while. Voldemort would want they to pay for their messes up. Lily went to stand up, but Frank gave her a look. She did not stand up. Lily wondered what was going to happen now. "What is going to happen now?" she asked as a woman came in.

Frank did not answer Lily. He only had eyes for the woman that just walked in. Frank noticed that she had a man with her. She grinned at Frank. "I got Potter" she said.  James Potter was at her side with ropes around his arms. Alice Longbottom looked around the room. "You let two people die" she stated looking at the two bodies.

Alastor was going to have his head. He had told them time and time again not to get people killed unless there was no way around it. Frank frowned at her. He did not. Only one of the persons died on his watch. "No Mr. Lupin was already dead, but this young man was killed. I thought it was for the best that he died. I will take Black and Potter with me. Please Stay here to clean up" said Frank.

He forced Black up then walked over to Potter and took him. Frank disappeared with them. Alice gave them each a smile. "We will have to get each of you check out" said Alice.

Lily gave a nod as Remus sat up. "You alright?" Lily asked him.

Remus shook his head. He did not feel that well. Alice walked over to him. "It is going to be alright now. Do not worry about a thing" Alice said.

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