Joining The Order and Becoming a Death Eater

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It had been a several weeks since Black and Potter had been by. They had seemed to be to busy to worry about them. Lily spent her time finding a place for them to live while Remus and Severus packed up their stuff. Once they all were done, they got out of their house and moved into the new place. Remus had gotten a job down from their house at the local book store and he was starting to show in his pregnancy. This night was the first Order meeting they were going to. A man appeared in front of them outside the meeting place they agreed on. "Hello, I am Frank Longbottom, and I am here to take you to the meeting" he said.

His voice was cool and calm. He had short brown hair which was a little messy for once. Frank was on the tall side but, he looked to be fit. Lily smiled at him. "Severus, Remus hurry up" Lily called out.

They walked out of the store that they were just in. It was their cover in case anyone saw them. Frank gave a little cough. He was starting to worry, they looked to be fresh out of Hogwarts. Frank wasn't sure about this. Were they up for the job? Could they handle what it would take to be a member of the Order? "We best go now. I will brief you when I get there" said Frank.

He held out his arms for them to take. Lily grabbed one while Severus and Remus grabbed the other. Severus mumbled under his breath. "Are all Aurors like that?"

Remus held back a chuckle. He knew most were but, maybe Frank was just tired and worn. The reason Remus knew how Aurors were because he had dealt with a few over the years because of what he was. "I heard that, Snape. You will be on your best behavior or else" said Frank crossly.

Frank wasn't in the mood that night, he had just came off of two shifts with no sleep with an Order mission before that. He just wanted to go home and it the sack. "Sorry, he won't do it again" said Remus hoping that Severus wouldn't.

Frank gave Severus a look. "I won't I promise" Severus said.

They disappeared and landed in front of a run down building. "Meeting places change from time to time. It is so that we aren't found. Death Eaters could find us if we keep using the same place. The first few meeting you will not be told how to get here. Someone will bring you" Frank said in a rushed voice.

A short woman with Blonde hair and a round face walked over to them. She was on the bigger side. Also she looked more cheerful than Frank. "Frank, please play nice with the new members. We have Alastor to scare them off, we don't need you to help him" said Alice with a smile. "I am Alice Longbottom and this idiot is my husband."

Lily chuckled at that. She could tell that they were in love and she wanted that with Severus or hoped they would be like that one day when they got married. Severus was at a lost for words and was trying to take in what Frank had said. Remus was staring as the building started to change. "Fine, Alice. We should head in" Frank replied.

He lead the way up the path. Meanwhile on the other side of town Voldemort was having a meeting as well. "Come and sit" he motioned to Black and Potter. They sat in the two remaining chairs. Which were at the back of the table. "We have two new members who will be of use to us. James Potter who I was surprised about. I didn't think he would want to join. Most of you know Sirius Black from the House of Blacks" said Voldemort.

Bellatrix let out a laugh. She knew him very well. They grew up around each other. Bella was kind of at lost. She didn't think he would join up. "My dear cousin has decided to join the Death Eaters. Did you have enough of that Half-Breed?" she said in a mocking voice. "I heard he is expecting your cub. How nice, Sirius" Bellatrix said laughing more.

A few of the others join in on laughing. Bellatrix was going to have fun with Sirius while she could before he got back at her. Voldemort silenced them. "Black, I expecting you to kill them when you get the chance. Potter, I want you to take care of Evans and Snape. If you don't then you will pay the price big time. If you do then I will give you the Dark mark" Voldemort told them.

Bellatrix stopped laughing and gave them dirty looks. It took her a few years to earn her mark. She wondered what made them so special and why they would get their marks so soon. "What makes you two so special?" she hissed.

"Jealous much, Bella" said Black.

"Not at all, Orion" said Bella.

She loved to get under his skin and the best way to do that was call him by his middle name. "Shut it, Bella" he replied back.

Voldemort called order once again. "As you all know, Dumbledore is recruiting more Order Members. He just gain three today and many more are sure to come. You need to step it up" said Voldemort pounding his fist on the table.

Dumbledore was sitting at the head of the table. "Welcome everyone to another Order Meeting please take a seat. We have three new members who will be of use to us. Severus and Lily are training to be come Healers. Severus will also fight on the front lines. Remus here" he said pointing to Remus. "will be doing undercover work for us."

A few of the members wondered what he would be doing. Alice smiled at him. "You can sit next to me" she said.

Remus took a seat next to Alice as Lily and Severus sat next to Frank. "Thanks" Remus replied.

"What kind of undercover work will you be doing,?" asked Gideon.

He was curious as his twin and him did undercover work from time to time. Remus looked over at Gideon. He rather not have to tell what it was he was doing. Dumbledore smiled at Remus. "It will be told in due course what Remus is doing. Until then no one needs to know" said Dumbledore.

The meetings went on for a while then it was time to leave. "It was interesting to say the least" said Severus.

Lily nodded as she walked out the door. Alice caught up to the three of them. "Would you three like to go out and get drinks with us? Some of the Order members hang out afterwards" said Alice in a cheerful voice.

Lily was a little taken back with her cheerfulness. There was a war going on and she seemed to be really happy. "Well, I think we wanted to get home to get some rest but, thanks for the offer" said Severus.

Remus yawned a little but, he really wasn't that tired. He just was bored from sitting. "Come on, Severus it would be fun. We need to get to know them" said Remus.

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