Voldemort Dumbledore

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A/N- Thanks for reading this and reviewing. Hope you all are enjoying this very much or even if it is just a little that is ok. Here is the next chapter.

There was a man standing in the shadows. He had heard rumors of what they had done, but he wanted to check to make sure they weren't true. Bellatrix was sent to keep watch on them. No she did not know what they had done. She had only seen them go into the house, she hadn't been there when they came out. Voldemort wanted to make sure that they were doing the job they were given. The three men did not know he was there until he spoke. "Have you completed the task I have given you yet?"

Peter jumped in his seat while James and Sirius shared a look. They both knew that they had failed on that part. Voldemort sure was scary when things were not done his way. He stepped out of the shadows so that the men could see him. "We are trying my Lord. It just has been hard" said Sirius in a scared voice.

He had a feeling that Voldemort had a reason for being here. James was just as scared if not more. They did not do as he was asked, but did as they saw fit. "I have heard that you were seen at the Lupins and Evans. Someone said they saw you there. Care to tell me about it? Or do I have to torture it out of you" Voldemort spoke in a cold high voice.

James stepped closer to Voldemort. Not that he really wanted to, but he felt it best to be face to face at least. "My Lord we went to get information out of them. I know you have set us a task which we will complete in due course. Give us time. They did not tell us much, but I am sure they are shaken up a lot. If Remus and Lily go by their parents house, they will come after us. They would know it was us. We can get to them then" said James.

Voldemort was not buying any of this. He thought they were stalling and could not get the job done at all. "You have three weeks or else I send someone else to get the job done. I know she would do it in a heartbeat. Good day" said Voldemort disappearing from the room.

Peter was tumbling. He was really shaken up. Voldemort would do it he knew. Peter had an idea. "What if I go by and tell them what happened. They may not believe me, but they may check it out. I could lead them to it if need be. Then they would come to you too. Please let me" Peter said.

He knew he would go to them after he went to Dumbledore. This was his chance to get out and he was going to take. James smirked a little. So Peter could be smart. He did think Peter would turn on them so he was not worried at all. "What do you think, Sirius? You think he could do this job or not?" asked James.

Sirius smirked as well. He thought was worth a chance to give Peter another chance. "Why not? We won't have to do any of the dirty work then. He can do it for us" said Sirius.

Peter knew he would be in for it if they found out the truth, but he was willing to take the risk. Just to get away from them. "Thank you both. I will be back soon" said Peter getting up.

They laughed as he disappeared away. "Shall we go after my parents or your parents next?" asked James.

He was in the mood to do some more harm. Sirius smirked at that. He was down for that. "Yes we should. Your parent's first mate. They tried to get you to go down the right path. My parents did not, but you could tell that they never loved me at all" said Sirius.

James grinned as he sank on the couch. "We should wait for Peter to get back though. He can help us" said James.

Sirius wanted to go now, but he knew James was right. Three on two was better than two on two. "Great I hope he hurries. I am itching to kill again" said Sirius.

Peter walked up the castle path to the gates. They opened upon him stepping up to them. He walked up the long path to the castle where Dumbledore was waiting for him. "Welcome Peter, you came soon then I expected, but that is alright. Are you going to join the Order?" Dumbledore asked. He had already known the answer to that, but needed to hear it for himself. Dumbledore could tell that the young man was scared out of his wits. "It is alright, you can tell me anything" he said.

Peter started to shaken. He could not get out of his mind what had happened at the Lupins and Evans. Dumbledore put an arm around him as Minerva came out. "What is going on Albus? I heard the Alarms go off in my office" said Minerva.

Albus chuckled to himself. Trust Minerva to have Alarms set up in her room. "Peter here has came to join the Order" said Albus.

Minerva gave him a funny look. She was skeptical about the whole thing. Albus was too trusting. 'This could be a trap' she thought. "Albus are you sure that you can trust him" said Minerva giving him a stern look.

Albus smiled as Peter looked up at his old Professor. "I come with some grave news which I would only know because I was there with Black and Potter" Peter started. He took a breath then continued. "They went to the Lupins to torture them. After that James went to the Evans house. Black took me there so I could prove myself. Lily's dad is dead and her mum is probably shaken up."

Minerva let out a scream. She could not believe it. Two of her students doing that, it was hard to believe. "Who killed Mr. Evans?" She asked.

It's not like she really needed to know. She had a feeling who it was. "Mr. Black did" said Peter.

She sank to the ground, not being able to handle it. "We have to go straight away, Albus to see if it is true" Minerva said.

Albus let go of Peter to help her up. She gladly took his help. "We will Minerva. I will take Peter with me to check it out. You need to go let Lily and Remus know straight away. Tell them I am check it out" said Albus.

"I will Albus, do not worry" she said disappearing to their house that she knew of.

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