"No, not at all." I shook my head. The two of them sat beside each other, Luke across from Ash and Brooke across from me. Even though she's apologized for her hostility towards me and is supposedly okay with Luke and I's relationship, I'm sure the seating arrangement was her idea. I feel like she doesn't totally trust me and her making Luke sit further away is evidence.

I think this is the first time all four of us have been alone together. And it showed too 'cause the table was filled with awkward tension. Ashton grabbed my hand under the table, squeezing it and I could tell he didn't like Luke being around. I think he still holds some jealousy in his heart when he shouldn't because Luke is his best friend and he should know he'd never do anything to hurt him. Although Luke did kiss Brooke while he was still dating her so maybe I guess I get why he has an issue with his friend being around his girlfriend.

No one really said anything for a while and I was beginning to regret letting them sit here. Nothing against them of course but it was just weird and I wanted someone to say something.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what happened to your nose?" Brooke asked me.

That's not really what I had in mind.

"I got stung by a bee." I nodded. I glanced at Luke and he just gave me a look. He obviously knew the truth and could understand why I lied to her just now.

"Wow, you must be allergic."

"Yeah, I guess." We fell silent again for a few minutes before she changed the subject, mainly talking to me.

It wasn't hard for us to have a nice conversation and it was nice not getting attitude from her too. As we talked, I couldn't help but glance over at Ashton and Luke who weren't talking but seemed to be glaring at each other. Are they fighting or something? I know Luke probably isn't happy with Ashton after what I told him happened and I know Ashton probably doesn't like me being close to Luke but why can't they set aside their differences and go back to being the best friends I know they are?

When the bell rang, we got up, taking our trash to the bins and leaving the cafeteria. They said they'd see us later and we did the same before heading to my third period.

"Are you and Luke fighting?" I asked out of the blue, swinging our hands as we walked.

"Why would you ask that?" He asked.

That must be a yes since he answered my question with a question. "Because the two of you were having a stare down all throughout lunch. I was just wondering if there was anything going on."

"We're fine." He stated, shaking his head right after. "No, I can't lie to you. He's been very bossy lately and keeps telling me how I should be in our relationship and I don't like it."

I go to Luke for each problem I have with Ashton so part of that may be my fault. "He's just being a friend. Everyone gives advice every now and then."

"But I don't need him constantly telling me how I should be with you. Yeah I've messed up but I'm trying and him breathing down my back isn't helping."

"Do you want me to talk to him?" I asked as we stopped right by the door of my third period.

"You don't have to, it's my problem. I'll probably talk to him at some point." He said, caressing my cheek.

"Good 'cause I don't want my guys fighting." I chuckled.

"So Luke's your guy?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I-I meant j-just as friends-" I stuttered.

"I know what you meant, Avery, I'm just teasing." He chuckled.

Faking It || l.r.hDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora