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Neyonika: Raj go and wakeup your daughter.She is very lazy like you.

Raj:Oh sooo where is your son....?He is also still sleeping na..!

Neyo:Ha soooo what.Now i  am going to wake him up.

Raj:Ok going.....

In manik's room.....

Neyo enters and saw him sleeping peacefully.she goes near him.

Neyo:Wakeup my boy you're getting late for your clg.

Manik:Mom just 5 min plsss...

Neyo:Nooo Mani now get up.Don't you wanna wake up your sister.

Manik:Ok mom.I will go and wake her now.

Neyo:😊☺ok Mani..come down fast.

Manik goes to mukthi's room

Raj:Wakeup baby.

Mukthi:No. 5 more minutes.

Raj:Ok i am keeping alaram for  5 minutes Ok.


Raj goes from there and manik enters

Manik: ( I know how to wake you)

He pours a bucket of water on her

Mukthi:Dad me.......

Manik:Laughs rolling on floor

Mukthi:You stupid what is this.Today you're dead....Starts Tom & jerry fight

They entered living room

Mukthi:(Took a jug of water and runs after manik)
There raj is sipping his coffee and Neyo  is beside him.

Neyo:Kids stop it.....

Raj:Wt happened?

Mukthi:Dad bhai drenched me.

Raj:Manik not again.Your doing this daily.

Neyo:What's his mistake..?This girl na becoming very lazy.

Manik:Yes dad she will not wake up today if haven't done this.And also today is her first day in our clg.

Mukthi:Oh shit..I forgot it.Mom i  am getting late.I will look after you some other time.

Manik:All the best...😁

Neyo:Both of you just go and get ready for clg.
Here Navya gets ready for the clg.
Just then her phone rings.

Navya:Nandu How are you?

Nandu:Fine navu.I had a great news.

Navya:What's that?

Nandu: Do I wanna tell you?

Navya:Oh nandu come on tell me yaar.

Nandu:Its a surprise.Kk are you going to CLG.

Navya:Yes...Just now i am starting from my room.



Guys navya,fab 5(cabir,mukthi,Alia,dhruv,manik) are in Mumbai and studying in space.But Nandini is in Bangalore.

Here manik,mukthi gets ready and comes down.

Raj:Wow today my boy looking dashing.

Mukthi:Dad look at me 😠

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