Naughty or Nice? 5

Start from the beginning

Yukiya: Oh, hi Cerim. Same to you as well.

Y/N: Merry Christmas to you too!

Leon: What's Christmas?

Luca: Its something that we celebrate every year, Leon.

Leon: Why?

Yukiya: Its where our Christ was born.

Leon: Why?

Y/N: *giggles*

Oh Leon, he never changed. I can see all of them were getting frustrated by Leon's questions. Good thing that, Randy came in.

Randy: Merry Christmas to all of you!

All (except Leon): Merry Christmas to you Randy.

Randy: I can't wait for this to start!

Elias: Aren't you supposed to be checking on the classrooms?

Randy: Been there, done that!

Cerim: That fast?

Y/N: He IS Randy.

Luca: Then the Emperor comes here and find you.

Randy: I did it swear.

The bell suddenly rang, and instead of sitting to our chairs, Elias went in front.

Elias: I want to start this party with a warm Merry Christmas!

All: Merry Christmaaaaas! Wooooh!

Elias: Now, first of all were going to put all our gifts below the christmas tree.

I put my gift below and hoped that whoever the person I picked would like it.

Elias: Now is time to play games!

All: *cheers*

As he explains the rules to us, I wasn't listening but the game will be paper relay I think its called. So were playing old school games now huh?

Elias: I need ten people. Please pick your partners.

Everyone suddenly jumped in front and layed down a piece of paper, the size of the paper was huge like a newspaper.

Y/N: How does the game work?

Cerim: You and your partner will stand on the piece of paper and both of you musn't touch the floor. While the paper will be folded until its small you've got to find a way to carry your partner. If you lost balance then you're out.

Y/N: I see thanks Cerim.

I looked at the participants and I was surprised to see Luca and Yukiya were partners. I almost died of laughing. I saw Leon and Randy were partners too.

Elias: Alright! As soon as I say go, you'll both be stepping on the paper and I'll count one to fifteen seconds. You touch the floor then you're out! One...

Everyone stepped in the paper, the paper was still huge so there wasn't more challenge. Ah but the next will be.

Elias: Fifteen. Now please fold you paper in half.

The paper went a bit smaller than the last time. It was clearly for two persons to fit in.

Elias: One...

I was watching only Randy and Leon, Luca and Yukiya. They're fun to watch since they don't usually do this kind of stuff.

Elias: Fifteen.

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