"Hey!!! What's that for,golden hair"."Shut up stupid boy!!"."My name is solar!!!"solar said."And my name is lily!" lily yell back. And those two start fight again... Bla... Bla... Bla.. And some kid say

"Uh... Sir,why you fight a girl?"kid said."S-Sir?!?! Am i that old!!"solar yelled."Hey its not nice yelled to kid!!"sapphire said."Yup.. Sapphire, right"ice said."Hm... Ya_- you ywo are same lovely bird"solar said and made those lovely birds #plak.. I mean sapphire and ice blushing in embarrassing... And lily realize sapp was blushing so she teased her~.

"Ehem.. I think someone is blushing~" lily said."Who?"sapphire said innocent."Hm... I gave up...."lily said and make sapphire smile victory... And accidentally push lily and made her fall.. But,she's on top someone... And its solar?!?!

"Get up off me,idiot"solar said."Sorry"lily apologise well,who doesn't apologise if their face about 5cm.... "Don't do it again will you"solar said and have a pink in his face same goes as lily...

"Okay,lily what i got here~~"sapphire said."Hohoho my brother is growing so fast~"blaze said."Let's go,lil"sapphire said."Shut up blaze!!"."Okay..."lily said.

Flashback end

"That very embarrassing moment"lily said."Hahaha i know!"sapphire said."Well,go sleep cause you will go on date~"lily said."Stop teasing me,lil or"sapphire said."Or what?"lily said."Or i tell him about it.... You love him,right?"sapphire said with smirik."Fine... You win"lily said full of embarrassent... "Night,lil"."Night,sapp have a nice dream"lily said."You too"sapphire said.

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