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Book 1

I didn't really like the idea of moving. So when my family forced me to I wasn't ready for it.

I was also treated like crap and I got it bad.
My parents weren't simple people. My dad was the worst he had the most problems. Especially when he was angry he would hit me. Yes my parents  were abusive and my back had the wipe lashes of his belt to prove it. My brothers were just as bad.
Not only did they verbally abuse me but physically as well. So I had just as much hits from them. My mother was kinder but still she too would hit me if she found out I did something dumb.
I also began to find out that this school was no better.
I didn't listen to people because I don't. I don't like it when people tell me what to do especially the ones who don't deserve to tell others what to do. This resulted in losts of fights and due to my rather nice secret I have more strength than a normal person. So people knew not to mess with me. That was in my old school. This one was new.
As I sat on the bus listening to children whom knew one another speak a couldn't help but wish I could wear head phones. But because of my heightened hearing from my secret I couldn't put them in my ears.
Every one jumped seats and leaned over them while punching people playfully. However the bus driver didn't care he only sat there with his eyes focused on the road.
The bus came to a stop and a few boys got on. The bus spead off again as they looked around. One of them stopped and scoffed as he looked down at me. I just ignored him.
"Who's this kid." He said loudly and the bus went quiet. I could tell that this kid was the hotshot and no one messed with him. "Hey kid your in my spot." He said. I wasn't gonna let him do this to me. I looked around and at my watch.
"Well judging by the time, its only 8:50 and since I've been here for about twenty minutes now and your name isn't on it I think I'm fine." I said and he smirked while looking around. People made oohhing noises but I didnt find it funny it was just the truth.
He shot a glare at them and they all zipped it.
"Is that so?" He said his hand tightening into a fist. I finally looked up at him. My pitch black bangs fell into my eyes. I was built like a normal sized boy but i had the muscles of a boxer and they were noticeable through my perfectly sized black shirt but I was wearing a black jacket so it made me look small. I nodded and his expression only grew more angry.
The bus came to a stop and every one pilled off the bus. The moment I stepped off I was thrown against the brick wall and held there by the front of my shirt.
I didnt move I sat there and waited for him to speak. "Throw a punch fool." The boy from the bus yelled.  But I just stood there. I was also tall with a hieght of 6'5 so I looked down at him by about three inches.
He threw a punch to my head but I caught it and bended his arm back while twisting his body around.
"Look I dont care how popular you are or how arrogant you are just leave me the hell alone and let me be. I'm sorry I sat in you stupid ass spot." I said then threw  him foward. He stubbled into a boy who pulled him upright.
He looked at me dumfounded but I just walked out of the already made circle.
I walked to the school with my hands in my pokets and my hood up. I got weird looks from people and snarky comments but I only ignored them.
I went to my English class, geometry, BIO and history. So now I had lunch. I sat in the corner where no one sat.
I could here people saying stuff like. 'Elia is the hottest girl even if her and Marcy dont know it.' 'Marcy's fucked all the boys in this school so I wouldn't be surprised if she fuck the new boy. Tate said that when he almost fought him he saw tattoos on his neck, shoulder and arm.'
I smirked at the last part of that girls comment because I did have tattoos. They werent my choice though. My father said they'd hide my scars.
That was the best month ever because they didn't hit me because they couldnt mess with them or they'd ruin it. I had to get them redone every five months or so. Im surprised it hasnt become a part of my body that grows back naturally.
I had tattoos on my back and up just a bit on the back of my neck and slightly on the sides. They went across my arms and chest until they met my hips. All in black. They didnt have much meaning to me besides that its a bunch of lines that look like something but I don't know what. My father picked it because in its term it means 'Fighter'.
A girl suddenly sat in front of me. She had gorgeous red hair. Her face was framed perfectly and her eyes, lips and nose were all the perfect size for her face. Her eyes were a bright hazle color. I could tell this was either Marcy or Elia.
"You just love taking peoples spots dont you?" She asked and I looked at her confused. "Word spreads fast around here so I know what happened between you and my brother Tate this morning on the bus. An just like this morning you took my spot in the lunchroom." She said. I sighed.
"Ok I'll just leave then." I said while getting up. She grabbed my arm and pulled me back down some.
"Dont I'm not kicking you out your fine. I was just saying that I usually sit here."  She said so I sat back down. "My names Elia, you are?"
"Arkin." I said and her face filled with curious confusion.
"Interesting name." She said and I smirked by accident.
"Your the first one to say that." I said and it was true she really was.
"Im new here by a week now. I know your in a few of my classes. Along with other rumours about you already." She said hesitantly.
"Ya and what are they? Go head and tell me im not gonna really care how hurtful they are." I said and she pulled out a sandwich box.
"Well for one is that you a druggie and emo." I suppressed my laughter as best I could.
"Maybe I could pass as emo but a druggie come on really.  Do I pass as that to you?" I said and she held up her hands in laughter.
"There just rumors man, I have no say in them." She said and I smiled. Some one to the right spoke and I heard it. 'Of course she would go for the depressed boy. Does she not see all the guys who would worship her every move for one night in bed.' I looked over at him my smile depleting.  "Whats wrong?" Elia asked when I turned back to her.
I shook my head. "Did you hear what he said?" She asked and my head snapped up. How could she have heard what he said. He was a table away from us. "Never mind forget i said anything." She while taking a bite of her sandwich.
Then bus boy whom i now lnow as Tate walked over. "Oh well what do we have here? Sis how have you been?" She looked down at her sandwich without saying anything.  He grabbed her hair and pulled her head back.
"Answer my question." He hissed but I spoke.
"If you want to keep that hand I suggest you keep it to yourself." I said and Elia looked at me shooked.
"You dont have to say anything Ar.." he jerked her head and I stood up.
"Your finale warning. Let her go or I brake your hand." I said and he dropped her. He glared at me.
"Dont Arkin this has nothing to do with you." She said while standing in between us.
"Would you shut up!" Tate yelled while back handing her. I grabbed his hand and bent his wrist back. He grabbed my hand but I was to strong for him. "Apologize to her or I brake it." He grunted in pain.
"Ok im sorry Elia." I let go and he stubbled back while holding his wrist.
I looked down at Elia who had a cut across her cheek. She grabbed her stuff and grabbed my hand while pulling me out of the lunchroom. She pulled me down a large hallway and into a smaller one.
Then she left go and tears filled her eyes as she turned away from me. "I'm sorry..I..he I dont usualy do this Im sorry." She said wipping her eyes and slumping against the wall.
"Elia its ok its not your fault." I said crouching on one knee in front of her. "Why did he do that to you?" I asked and she put her armsleve to her cheek as blood slipped out of the cut. "Come on lets take you to the nurse." I said and she nodded. I pulled her up and we walked to the nurse.
"You do know if we go in you'll have to explain the fight and you'll get in trouble?" I shrugged. "Its fine." I said and she shot me a skeptical look but walked in anyway.
The nurse asked what happened and Elia explained what Tate did to her. Then the nurse explained that Tate was already in here for ice. But what got me was that he told the nurse that he slammed it in his car door wether it was because he wanted to keep his reputation or because he was actually not up for wratting me out on my first day didnt mater to me I was just thankful cause now we didn't have to tell the nurse the truth.
"Alright sweatheart you go in there." She said then turned to me. "Your knew here right? Arkin's your name correct?" I nodded.
"Yes ma'am." I said and she nodded. "I'll give you a pass so you can go back to your P.E. class." I nodded.
I took the pass and nodded at Elia. Then I walked down to the locker rooms. I was late by two minutes but I still had enough time to dress.
"Your late Arkin." Coach said and I nodded.
"I have a pass." I said handing it to him. He nodded after he read it. "Your locker number is 1987. Its got your p.e. cloths so change." I went and changed. The whole time I had my shirt off boys looked at me. Which I didn't care I'm sure they could see my scars as well but fine let them.
I threw the workout jacket on because I didn't feel like having people look at my arms. We stood in a circle and listened to coach.
"I'm going to remind you that the trackteam needs more players along with the football team. We all know there is a new student his name is Arkin. If you would like you could come to tryouts." He said while gesturing to me.
I saw Tate roll his eyes and anger boiled inside me. He had no right to be mad at me he brought it on himself.
"Alright today we're playing Capture the Flag. When my p.e. plays its all or nothing. You stop at nothing to get the flag. Meaning anything you do to get it besides punching and kicking is legal. Its every man for them selves of course aliances can be made before hand but if you make an aliance i expect it to remain throughout the entire game. When we get on the field you will shake hands with the person you have an aliance with. So I can see in a line." We all looked at each other.  I figured out who was a threat, a possible one and who wasnt. "Tate, Arkin, Levy, I expect you three to do exceptionally well because looking at your records you all are way above the physical standards so no slacking or you can run suicides." He said and the three of us said yes coach in unison. Not that i really had a problem with that i have great stamina. We looked at each other. The boy Levy was about the same size as Tate with blond hair and dark brown eyes.
I however had violet eyes. It was a rare trait that my family inherited it for a long time.
Especially rare with my black hair.
"Alright head outside." We all turned and headed out side. Me and Tate were the only ones with jackets on and I had a feeling that Levy was gonna come close to giving me a run for my money.
Because of my secret I was nimble so I was not only fast, strong, and agile but I was also cunning.
Before we moved my father was targeted by thugs and we had to learn Special Ops training but I would never hurt my father. Even if he hits me.
Levy looked at me and spoke. "I know you dont want an aliance but I looked at your records and your better than me. So can you just watch Tate for me please? He too has a better record than me but your better so dont worry.  The last thing I need is suicides." He whispered and I thought about it.
"As long as you stay out of my way." I said and he nodded. We werent going to shake hands but if he kept his word then we would be able to trust each other. "And dont think that you having the flag is gonna stop me from getting it from you." He rolled his eyes.
"Duh thats the point isnt it?" He said. We all got onto the field and were confronted with whistles and hollars. Boys and girls sat in the bleachers. Oh great now we've got an audience. Just what I want.
"Boys you know what to do. Those of you who've made an alliance line up with your allied members facing you." Those who made them did. Me and Levy glanced at each other with a nod.
"So Arkin you want in any sports?" Coach asked stepping next to me. He was about a foot shorter than me.
"No I'm not really into sports. Sir." I said and he looked at me dumbfounded.
"There is no way your not into sports. What do you just think there not fun?" He asked and I shook my head.
"I think games are fun but I dont like being on any teams really. I like doing my own thing." I said and he nodded.
"Well how bout this. You show me how good you are today and I'll never have you do another physical thing in this class unless its a game. Of course you'll get a A for it." I looked at him.
"Alright coach if I dont win then I dont want the deal." I said. I had no idea if I would win or not but I didnt care. Either option was fine.
"Ok. I'd take that jacket off if I were you." He said. "Its 60° out here."
"I'll take my jacket off to show that I'm actually trying a little." I said and he laughed.
"Cocky arnt you?" Tate's voice said. I looked to my right and saw him standing there a scowl on his face. "What makes you think your so good?" He hissed.
"Because I have every right to be." I said and he glarred.
"Is that so?" He said stepping right in front of me and looking up some.
"Alright alright." Coach said pushing us apart some. "You two got a problem with each other?"
"Yes." We both said at the same time.
"Good then take it up on the field." He said shoving us over to the group of boys. Tate threw his jacket off.
"Ok boys so the goal of the game is to take the flag for thirty seconds. While running to the other end of the field and getting it into the bucket right there." He said while pointing to a bucket that was a good ten feet up a side wall.
"There will be two flags both need to be put in the bucket. The red one will be in play first. Remember even when you get the flag hold onto it for thirty seconds if not, when bucketed it will not count." A person down at the end of the field held up a flag. He stuck it in the ground and the whistle blew. Tate was the first to pick up spead but I just stayed back and watched as he got the flag. I just walked out into the middle of the field and watched as he dodged boys. I wasnt the only one Levy and a small boy did as well.
Levy nodded at me as a reminder. Tate came running at me head on. I didnt try to move until he braced himself to hit me and I side stepped him making him stubble foward and fall.
The bleachers erupted into laughter. He slowly got up and I turned around. A boy plucked it out of his hand and took off. Levy went after him.
I was waiting for the other flag because then I'd push it. I had the most heightened hearing so the moment coach jiggles the chain to pull the whistle to his lips I'm gonna be already closer to the flag. There was the jingle and I took off towards it but I was cut short as Tate wrapped his arm around my waist and threw me down. The whistle didnt blow because of the sudden action.
My breath hitched as the wind got knocked out of me.  The whistle blew.
I took a deep breath and bent my wrist backward against the ground and jump back bended into a staning position. I threw my jacket on the ground and sprinted towards Tate. Boys tackled eachother in front of me and I barrle rolled over them while tripping Tate with my foot.
He went down and dropped the flag. I grabbed it and took off away from him some. I still had to hold it for thirty.
I saw him look over at Levy who had the flag. He took off towards him and so did I. Just as he reached Levy I threw him to the ground. Levy was already down the field. I took off after him and within second had the flag. I couldn't turn it in now because I had to wait but Tate was right behind me and he grabbed my neck and pulled me into a head lock. Just as he went for the blue flag in my left hand I pulled his arm away the tripped his leg and threw him down. He grunted I felt a kid bash into me and I rolled to the ground but quickly stood. "Coach that was bullshit!" I heard Tate yell. So I stopped.
We all looked over at him. "He didnt make an alliance with Levy yet he still helped him."
"There was nothing against that in the rules." I said aproching him.
"Oh would you stop that. Quite acting like you so hot." I couldnt help but laugh at his words.
"I'll stop acting like a hotshot and you can have your stupid flags." I laughed sarcastically.
"See there he goes again. This is bullshit coach."
"There is nothing I can do about it Tate the only thing you can do is win it here in P.E."
"So you think its ok no it not what he just pulled was bullshit."
"Fine coach I wont take your deal because now im content to show him how punk of an ass he is on the field." I said while throwing the flags at his feet. Then headed off towards the locker room. I grabbed my coat along the way. Elia looked down at me as I walked by the bleachers.  She smiled and waved and I smiled back.
I changed and the bell rang so I headed to my last class. Then it would be time to go home.


I decided to walk home because I didnt feel like having Tate jump down my throat.
It was a bad idea now because I thought I knew my way around but I really didnt. Now the sun was setting and I wasnt home nor did I know where I was.
The longer I walked the more the Sun fell and eventually it was pitch black.
I felt like someone was watching me and the moment i went to turn around a punch smashed my jaw and I was thrown to the ground.
I got up but found no one only darkness even with my stronger eyesight.
"Arkin..." a voice said and I turned in its direction. "You are being charged with the crime of being a hybrid. You are to die by the condolences of your lordship." I was so confused by the last part.
Someone kicked me and I went down again only to be thrown againt a tree. I gasped for air.
I heard some one yell my name. It sounded like a girl or something.
I tried to use my secret and as I extended them one of the men yelled get him and just as I jumped he grabbed me pinned me to the tree.
Then a large burn and stab ran through my side. I cried out as the sword went straight threw and hit the tree.
I knew who they were now and it made fear fill my chest along with pain. How did they find me so fast.
Suddenly there was a loud crack and a bright light for about two seconds then it was quiet. Besides my grunts and humms of pain.
"Arkin?" The girls voice from before said. I recognised the girl now but she couldnt see me.
"Arkin I cant see you were are you?" Elia said but I couldnt speak as the pain grew more furious.
There was a poison in my blood now and it burned through my body. Suddenly a hand was on my shoulder and I grunted in pain. I hadnt realized I was holding the sword until she gasped at it.
"Arkin listen to me I've got to pull it out." My eyes widened and I looked down at her. "I know its gonna hurt but we have to. I can help you after but you have to let me." She said.
"Mmh..h." I groaned. It was supposed to be a yes and she got it because her grip tightened around the sword handle.
She pulled but it didnt come out of the tree. It moved and I groaned loudly and hissed. I was trying hard to hold myself up but my legs were growing week.
She pulled hard and the sword came lose and pulled through my side. It took me with it and I fell into her. She caught me though.
Gently she laid me down on the ground and I groaned with every movement.
She pulled out a phone and dialled something. Oh please dont be 911.
"Yes Benetton listen to me. I need your help. How do I heal someone who has been stabbed by a Seakers blade?" She asked and the other person spoke. How did she know about the Seakers.
She looked down at me.
"Arkin what are you?" She asked and I tried to speak but I only coughed as blood filled my mouth. It slipped down my cheek. "Arkin. What are you I need to know now." She said while taking her jacket off and pressing it to my side.
I groaned and slowly spoke. "Avv..ian." I said and she cursed.
I started to feel light headed.
"Uncle you have to teleport here I cant do it." She said and he spoke.
"I dont know where we are I know of somewhere close." More voices.
"Maybe two blocks East from Daniels Bar."  She said and my side tensed I groaned again and she looked down at me. "Hurry." She said then the man spoke she said ok and hung up while stuffing the phone in her pocket.
"Ok, Arkin I need you to stay awake for me." She aaid while pulling my head onto her knee. More blood spilled from my mouth and I coughed making my side feel even more ripped open.
I groaned again but when she moved me. I felt pain some were else and realized the sword went right threw my wing.
"Help is on its way it'll be here soon." She coohed. My side tensed again and I bit my lip to keep from crying.
She grabbed my hand. "Shhhhhsh. It's gonna be ok." She said while brushing my bangs out of me face.
I could hear a car in the distance and I tensed but that made me suck in a tight breath and I started to cough. More blood spilled from my mouth and I couldnt do anything as it spilled down my chin.
Suddenly the car pulled up and a man ran out. "Ok good you've helped stop the bleeding some." He said kneeling down next to me. "Alright look at me kid." He said and I did. "You have to stay wake or you may go into shock. Im gonna lift you up and put you in my car." He said and I closed my eyes. I felt him lift me up and I hissed as pain jolted through my body making me flinch which only caused more pain.
Before I knew it I was in his car with my head back on Elia's knee. She still wiped my forehead while her fingers ran though my hair.
It actualy felt really good dispite the pain. I felt her hand tighten around mine.
I closed my eyes as they grew heavy. "No no no Arkin stay with me. Uncle hurry."
But I couldn't stay slowly my mind gave out.

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