Chapter 5

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Two hours later, the pizzas were consumed, the baby put to bed, the boys watching Cars 2 in the in-house theatre in the basement, Rossi pouring wine for everyone ("At least the mutts didn't destroy everything") and JJ and Emily were upstairs in JJ's bedroom, digging through her dresser for her extensive collection of bikinis. She owned sixteen, all different colors. In fact, her bikini collection was almost as impressive as Garcia's pajama collection.

"So," JJ began, digging the last of her bikinis out of the horribly messy dresser drawer, "You going to tell me what's going on with you, or do I have to guess?"

Oh, I doubt you'd guess this, Emily thought, sighing. "It's really nothing important, Jayje."

"No?" JJ asked, raising her eyebrows. "It's obviously important enough that you missed out on what we were all expecting to be an impressive sarcastic comeback earlier."

"Aw, I missed out on that?" Emily said, laughing, hoping to change the subject. "What was this sarcastic remark supposed to be a comeback to, anyway?'

"Never mind that," said JJ, selecting a blue bikini out of the pile. "I want to know what's been on your mind."

"Honestly, Jayje, it's nothing."

"Em, I know you were gone two years, but do we really need to build trust again? I thought we were friends," she pouted.

"Oh, come on, Jayje, we are friends. Best friends. Remember?"

"Then tell me," JJ pleaded. "You know I won't tell anyone."

Emily sighed. "What do you want to know?"

JJ smiled, knowing she had won this particular battle. "Why were you staring off into space in my kitchen?"

"Oh, that?" Emily said, trying to brush her off. "That was nothing -"

"Jesus, Emily. For a profiler, you're awful at lying."

They stared at one another for a moment; it was a battle of wills.

Emily sighed. "Okay, I was just watching the new woman and being insecure about how I'll fit back into the team with her here."

"Aww, Emily, don't worry your pretty little head about that," JJ said, patting Emily's head. "Youll fit right back in, just fine."

"'My pretty little head?'" Emily repeated incredulously. "You sound like Garcia."

"It's the hormones, I promise," JJ stated. "God, Em, being pregnant really takes it out of you. You have no idea. It's exhausting.

"Also," JJ said, sitting back down on the bed beside Emily after she changed, "I want to know why Hotch was so concerned when he fell on you."

"I don't know," she lied, trying to keep her face neutral, "He felt bad, I guess..."

"Bullshit," JJ declared boldly.

"I cracked a rib on the job last month," Emily lied. "Couple of bullets to the vest. I had some meds for it in my bag, and when I stayed with Hotch last night, he found them on the counter."

"Oh," said JJ dismissively. After all, in their position, that story was completely believable. She'd just have to keep Garcia out of her medical records.

Why was she lying to JJ? she didn't really know. JJ was her best friend, and if she couldn't tell JJ, she couldn't tell anyone. JJ would support her and probably even give her advice. But she still couldn't bring herself to share that bit of information with the blonde.

She was lying to JJ, she realized, because she hasn't even come to terms with the situation herself! It was hard enough being pregnant with a monster's baby, without having the additional stress of being partially in love with said monster.

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