Chapter 5: Heated Dates

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Sunday, March 11, 1978 Los Angeles, CA

It's been a while (two weeks and four days to be exact but who's counting?) since I have spoken to Prince. And I'm gonna be honest, I miss him a whole lot but I think that I'll be fine because something crazy happened to me when I was at the studio late last night with my co producer and drummer, Charles.
Tue. Mar. 10, 1978 LA, CA, Studio

"So I think that's everything for today, Charles." I say as I get up from the piano.

"No. I think that there is something else." Charles says in a low voice as he walks towards me.

"Oh? And what's that?" I ask as I look down at the piano. I'm kind of nervous because I think I know where this is headed. The funny thing is that I'm not trying to stop him. I actually like what's going on.

"Well, you know that I've been digging you for a while now and I was wondering if you may feel the same I do for you." He says while inching closer to the point where their is less than an inch of space in between us.

"Don't you think that if I didn't feel the same I would have stopped this a while ago?" I remark, playing along with his little game. Charles just chuckles seductively before using his index finger to turn my face towards his. He plants a kiss on my lips that I expect to last a second. Instead, it goes farther than that. I allow his tongue entrance. He uses his tongue to circle mine and I moan in his mouth. He pulls out of the kiss but I bite his bottom lip. Finally letting it go, he smirks.

"How about a date?" He questions. I simply just nod with a smile.
So, right now, I'm getting ready for my date with Charles. He said that would be here by eight and it is only 7:52 so I'm waiting for him in living room. I'm standing in the doorway and looking over my outfit in the hallway mirror. I am rocking a jumper that my girl, Kenya made for me. It's a light gray short sleeve jumper with a black and gold belt around the waist and I paired it with some black ankle booties and big gold hoop earrings. No sweater. I just might end up wearing his if the wind decides to blow my way.

Within seconds, I hear the chime of the doorbell ring which makes me jump a little bit. I look at the clock to see that he is six minutes early. I would prefer for him to be a few minutes early rather than a few minutes late. I grab my purse off of the ivory colored wood seats by the door and exit the house. I take a moment to examine Charles' outfit. He has on a a smooth black blazer with black suede pants and a white dress shirt and sparkling  black cufflinks and shiny black loafers. All in all, he is dressed very up to par. I'm not used to this version of him. I really dig it though. He bends down to give me a hug in which I return. Being that he is 5'5 and I am 4'10 (5'1 with heels) he has to bend to give me a hug and I have to tippy toe to give him a kiss. It's not as embarrassing as it sounds. It's actually kind of cute to me. "After you." Charles says, gesturing to let me down the stairs before him.

I smile at him before walking down the stairs toward his shiny white car. He steps in front of me and politely opens my door for me. "Thank you." I say shyly before entering the car. He closes the door after me and enters on the other side. We both strap in and Charles drives off.

"You know, you look so beautiful tonight. You always look beautiful but tonight, it's just that tonight is different." He says. All I do is blush and giggle. I never act nervous around Charles. I mean, I've known him since I was 19. "I'm serious, Patrice. It's just the you drive me wild. Ever since I first saw you wearing that huge Afro and still till this day. I don't know weather it's the way you take charge of everything or how you are so vulnerable. It's all adorable, it's all amazing, it's all so sexy. And I'm glad that you that you agreed to go on this date with me." Charles expresses before pulling into a small parking space at a cute little restaurant called 'The LA Diner'. I am shook and I don't know what the hell I should say back. I mean thank you would be nice but I don't think that would suffice. Before I could reply, Charles is on my side of the car and opening my door. I thank him before stepping out of the car. "Shall we?" Charles asks as he extends his arm out to me.

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