Chapter 2: Another Friend For Me

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Sunday, January 21, 1978, Los Angeles, CA

Of course, you know what I am doing. Back in the studio, once again. The only difference is that this time, I am all by myself. I do not need a band to make a song. I play all the instruments and I can sing backing vocals myself. I just prefer having a band around. Today, I just do not feel like taking on the hassle of having to make sure that everyone is on task, ya know? It is too much to deal with when I could just do it all on my own. I didn't have a band for my first three albums so this isn't anything new.

The band and I finished a few more songs over the past two weeks. We recorded them and the whole nine. We recorded three songs called 'When I Found You', 'Changes (In Your Life)' and 'Let's Sing a Song of Love'. The whole process of recording the songs was very annoying because the band was not doing a damn thing right. I believe in making mistakes, I mean, you know, I make them all the time, but they were just really doing too much. I could squeeze a few singles out on my own if I want to. Right now, I want to, so I will.

Here is the process of making a song when it comes to me. First, I fool around on the keys for a little bit. Eventually, a catchy tune will come to life. Then, I add in the drums, then bass, and then guitar. Next, I start writing whatever it is that I am feeling at the moment. I try to get the lyrics to flow with the beat. Sooner or later, the song starts to sound like it actually is something. Lastly, I record each instrument, one at a time and then put the vocals and music together. After the recording part is done, I go back and add some flutes, horns, sometimes even the clarinets or whatever else I want to add in the background or in between pauses I can't fill. Once everything's done, I just listen to the track over and over until I feel as though I have found all errors that needed to be corrected. I am a hardcore perfectionist, as you can clearly tell.

I had just finished editing the song so right now, I am about two minutes into listening to the final edit of my song titled 'Wishful Thinking', when I hear a knock on the door. I pause the track and speed walk over to the door. I open the door to see the same cute lightskin guy with a dope Afro that I saw about two weeks ago. My naturally friendly and optimistic nature causes a smile to grow on my face. "Hey, Prince! What's going on?" I ask.

"Hi, Patrice. I wanted to know if you and your band are free today because I need some help with something." Prince questions. I chuckle slightly.

"No. It's just me today. What did you need?" I reply. Prince stood their dumbfounded and shocked.

"Wait. That was you playing all of those instruments today?" He questions me with wide eyes. I simply nod. "That is real cool. I was coming over to ask if you could help me with the string section on a few of my tracks. I am a little stuck." He explains.

I have to think this over thoroughly. I mean, I could say no and work on my album and mind my business. But that would be mean and the album isn't going to be released until the middle of October of the next year. I guess it would be fine to take a break from my album and help him with his. At least, for a little while. "Sure." I simply say.

"Cool. Come on." He says as he leads me to his studio four. I enter first and he closes the door behind me. He walks in front of me and I follow closely behind him as he leads around the way to his studio. When we finally enter more of the studio, I close my eyes as the smell of vanilla and lavender fills my nostrils. I automatically feel like I am in in heaven. I open my eyes to see Prince sitting in a brown swivel chair by the recording booth, just fooling around with the soundboard. I walk over to where he is seated and sit in the silver chair. "Ok. So I need for you to listen to this track and then tell me if I should add a guitar lick and if so, where? I just feel like the song missing something but I don't know what it is. I can't quite put my finger on it." Prince says. Before I know it, a song is playing from the speakers. The first thing to come out of Prince's mouth was a high pitched scream. That's when I realize that this is the song that I heard a few weeks ago.

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