Chapter 6: Winning this competition

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Hurry up thun,i want hot chocolate!!"a famale voice said."Ya... Can you quiet for a moment,lil?"thunderstorm said.

So.... What's i got here.... Thunderstorm and lily huh?? And she's want a hot chocolate... I will get it,lil... So,i need to go to cafe.... Hmmm... Where it could be... Aha!

*after 5 minutes*

"Jhezz hurry up thun!"."Can you be patient,i looking for the cafe,lil"thunderstorm said and i smirik."Hey,lily do you want some hot chocolate?"i asked."Sure!!!! I love chocolate!!"she yelled."Here"."Thanks"she said with smile and it made me blushing.

Haha one point to solar.... Yeppeee

Solar's POV end

Ice's POV

Argh.... My cheeks it still burning... Damn you thunderstorm!!!! I must hide this blushing or she's though me sick...

"Ice are you okay?"."Huh? Me? I'm fine hehehe"i said."But,your cheeks are red"."Its fine,sapp"i said."Well,okay".

Argh..... She's realize it!!! What should i do now!!! Oh,yeah i forgot btw what is the mystery prize... Sh*t... I daydreaming... Okay now back to the show..

"So... The prize is!!!! A laptop and smartphone!!"Mc's said.

What?!?! Just that?!?! Jhezzz i thought it will be sport car or free tickets for funland... This competition is freaking me out!!! And should i ask sapphire on date?

"Uh... Sapp,do you want that prize?"i ask her."Yeah... I want do you want?"she said."No,just take it"."Huh? Hey that's not fair you know?"she said."Hah??? What do you mean?"i ask her."Well,you must pick one"she answer."I already have those things,so i gave it to you"i said."i already had those things,too_-"she said."Okay,fibe what you want?"i ask."Well,i want the smartphone,you will take the laptop will you"she said with smile."Okay..." i said and try to hide this blushes.

Damn... Why i can't hide this blushes..!! I should ask her on date.. Yeah,i should.. Or not ... Ghaaa i need opinion... But,who? Solar? No! He's like sapphire, Blaze? No too noisy,Cyclone? Same goes as blaze_-,Quake? No,He's too motherly,Thorn? He's too innocent, Thunderstorm? He will teased me_-... Jgezz oh i know ...

"Hey,sapp where lily?"i ask."Dunno"she answer shortly."Oh.. Do you want go out tomorrow? Well,if you have time.."i said."Sure,why not"she said with a pink in her cheeks....

Wait,is she's blushing? And she answer yes!!! Woho!!! Another point for ice!!! Hehehe i make sure solar not getting sapphire..

Ice's POV end

Sapphire's POV

Is ice ask me to go out?? And i answer yes ghaaa... And is he look at my cheeks.... No!!! Me and oce on date two of us?!?!.. Ghezzz i'm melting... So, one point for sapphire!!! Haha i will get ice and now,i get new phone!! Whoho!!!

"Hmm... I need to go now... Lily will be so annoying if i back late"i said."Oh.. Well,don't forget meet me at the ice rink tomorrow"he said."O-okay..."i said."Bye~"."Bye,ice"

Argh ... Tomorrow?!?! With ice?!?! Wrh,dude?!?! Wait what did i just said... Neh,forget it... Relax sapp... Should i tell lily? Hmm... She's will be so no.. Very annoying!! Now,rest in the peace sapp

Sapphire's POV end

"Lil,i'm back!!"sapphire yell."Huh? That's weird"sapphire said to herself. And jeng jeng jeng... No one at apartment

"What the!!! She's not here!!!!"sapphire yelles angryly.

:::::::::::::::: lily situaction :::::::::::::::

"Huh? What time is it?"lily ask herself and look at her wristwatch."Oh sh*t!!! I must go back to apartment, bye thun,sol" lily said and wave her hand."Bye!"the boys said.

Lily's run as she can... And finally get there..

"Sorry!!!"."Where have you been?!"."Sorry,sapp i just went to the park and drink hot chocolate"lily said."Hm.. Whatever"sapphire said."Aww don't mad look i'm very sorry and what the prize?!?!"lily said."Just laptop and smart phone"."Just that? And is ice said something to you~"."Well,he ask me to go out tomorrow"sapphire said."Aweee you two on date don't ya~"lily teased and made sapphire blushing.


This chapter is to lame~
Hope you like it sapp a.k.a SakoNeko

Be prepared for the Chapter 7:

Love on the ice rink [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon