"Well, I uh..." Dylan sputtered nervously looking down at the ground as if there was some magic answer hidden in the ground.

Devon laughed lightly, "Are you telling me, you can't dance"? She asked curiously.

"Well, no...I'm just better at the slow and up close stuff." Dylan responded.

Kissing her softly, Devon played with the hair at the back of her Dylan's neck, "Yes you are..." she purred softly, "but just for the record, anyone who can do what you can do in bed, must be good on the dance floor too."

This time Dylan laughed a little, "Isn't that supposed to be the other way around"?

"It's true either way then right"? She asked pressing her body into Dylan's.

Swallowing, Dylan looked up toward the sky as her hands automatically encircled her slender waist, "Woman, you're killing me."

Using her tongue to trace Dylan's jawline, she whispered, "Am I"?

Groaning as she felt her pulse speed up and her body flush, "Yes, you are...are you sure you wouldn't rather just go back to my place"?

Kissing each lip separately, Devon smiled mischievously, "Well, we do need to go there to at least change clothes."

Knowing she couldn't hold on much longer, Dylan stepped back and used her hands to hold Devon at bay, "That'll work for now."

Laughing a little as she shook her dark mane, Devon turned and slid gracefully into the car, watching Dylan knowingly.

Devon could see the struggle going on inside of Dylan, and she couldn't help but enjoy it. She knew she was an attractive woman and she had used it on her behalf before, but Dylan always seemed so in control most of the time that when she wasn't, it gave Devon a feeling of power.

Unfortunately, even now as she watched her profile as she drove, Devon could feel her own want growing as well...today, had been an incredibly wonderful day, just holding hands while they strolled down some of Seattle's most public and crowded places made her feel exuberant and full of dreams and possibilities. They had even shared a few kisses and even though Dylan had not yet said the words, Devon knew Dylan was falling in love with her too.

Devon could not have asked for a more perfect day, except now she had suggested they go out dancing and could clearly see that Dylan was not overly eager to do so, maybe she had pushed the envelope a little too far in one day? Perhaps, she should just let Dylan take control of the evening as well, after all, she had planned the day and look how well it had turned out.

Pulling into her stall, Dylan got out and walked around to open the passenger's door for Devon to slide out.

Grabbing the fresh flowers she had bought at the Marker earlier that day, Devon then reached out and took hold of Dylan's outstretched hand.

"So, I was thinking," She started, "maybe we could just go to your club since we're right here."

"Nope, not going to happen." Dylan stated immediately as she shook her head.

Surprised, Devon looked at her curiously, "Why"? She asked watching her with narrowed eyes.

Taking her elbow, Dylan led her through the parking garage toward the kitchen entry and then down the short hallway to the elevator,

"You've seen it, that's not really your style is it"? Dylan asked seriously just as the doors opened.

Smiling sexily as Dylan pulled her in, she replied, "It could be...it's just dancing."

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