"I don't want to remember something that'll never be mine again!"

For the first time, since the day René had met the three year-old Mika, who stood small and quiet. A gentle and inviting smile on his face as he stretched out his hand to shake, chirping, "You'll be with me for the rest of my life! So I wanna make sure you like me and I like you!"

For the first time after seeing Mika get beat. Seeing Mika get shunned and screamed at. Seeing Mika cry himself to sleep. Seeing Mika hold back tears. Seeing Mika fake smile after smile. Seeing Mika scream and beg.

For the first time ever, René didn't know what to say to comfort the child he had raised. Didn't know how to comfort his aching heart. Didn't know how to soothe his sorrows away.

And he felt like he had failed.

He had failed Mika.

He closed his eyes and hugged Mika tighter as he recalled the promise he had made.

Mika was now officially four. Still round and soft. Pretty and delicate. Pink lips adorned with a smile as René took his hand.

Mika was absolutely filled with happiness as René, for the first time touched him without asking.

René brought the small, soft, pale hand up to his lips. Kissing it and murmuring against it, "My life is yours. Do with it as you wish. Always, always remember that I am there for you. If I-even once-ever fail you...I am simply not worthy enough to do so."

René had snapped his eyes open when he felt a small, soft hand caress his face. He looked up as he removed his lips from Mika's knuckles, never dropping the small hand in his hold.

Mika was smiling. Soft and gentle. Caring and inviting. Loving.

"Fail." Mika said. Voice filled with confidence, he had looked so mature. And instead of making René happy like he thought it would, it made his heart ache. Mika was a child, he should be acting like one. But that wasn't the case. Didn't have the choice.

René was once again ripped away from his thoughts as Mika repeated, "Fail. Fail as many times as you wish."

René didn't know what to think. Didn't know what the young soft ball of blond wanted to say, not until he smiled an open mouthed smile and said, "Fail as many times as you want! But I'm sorry! You see I already love you, so I can't let you go. Don't you know? I'm rather selfish."

'No.' René thought with a soft smile on his youthful face, he too was just a kid. Only ten years old, working in, living in a world of monstrous adults.

'No you are not. You are far too selfless. So much it scares me. Terrifies me. Because you are too selfless, too kind. I fear you'll suffer for it. For that-'

"I promise, through your laughter and smiles, through your screams and tears, through your pain and sorrows. I promise. I promise I will be there." René paused to gently cup the back of Mika's small and soft hand, smiling fondly at him as he finished, "So be as selfish as you want. For my life is yours."

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