Chapter 1

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Dear Mark,

Goodmorning you handsome lug!

Big big day infront of you today!

You're having your house warming party, try to be as social as humanly possible, meet your two neighbors and just have fun!

Livestream for Locks of Love, April 17th! Whooohooo!

Also, therapy session with Dr. Jean is now tomorrow. Schedule should be back to normal next week.

Workout hard today, practice that guitar, and speak some Fuckin German!

As always, be proud and have fun!

Sincerely your best friend,


• • •

I hopped out of the shower after returning home from my workout session. Today is the day of the housewarming party.

And I'm nervous.

Tyler and Ethan will be here with me sure, but there are 2 others that will be joining us.

And that's the scariest thing.

I sat down on my bed, wrinkling the black sheets a bit underneath me. The towel was wrapped around my waist leaving my bare chest exposed. I sighed and opened my phone.

After looking through Instagram and tweeting out some status updates, I stood from my bed and got dressed.

I put on a simple red tank, my ripped jeans, and black sneakers. After running my fingers through my hair a few times, I was all set for the day.

I walked calmly through my apartment, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, where I grabbed a small orange from the table.

Today is going to go great. Today is going to go great. Today is-

I walked headfirst into the door to my recording booth. I took a couple steps back. The pain of course, didn't stay for long, only a few seconds. Regarding that I slammed into a door.

But then again there was that "soon" video...

Shaking the thought, I opened the door this time and walked in without bumping into anything. Thank god.

I walked behind the small desk and went into my emails. After reading my daily reminder, I smiled and cracked my knuckles.

What to record today....

In the end, the choice of recording was the ending to "Buried". I thought it fit the calm mood I was in at the time. After recording, I left to unpack the rest of the living room.

Most was already complete. And it looked pretty damn good if I do say so myself. Well, that is excluding all the big brown cardboard boxes strewn about...

The couch was Ebony black which starkly contrasted with the bright red wallpaper. A glass end table sat next to the couch, it held a candle and some remotes, nothing too special. But the decorations were a different story. The wall had a total of two white shelves, going at a left diagonal on the right side of the wall. The top held a white origami crane, one I created myself, a black 20 sided dice, and white jack. On the last shelf was a few items fans had made me, they were as follows: A Pop Vinyl figurine of yours truly, a small wooden Tiny Box Tim, and finally, a galaxy colored warfstache.

The TV sat on a small wooden table that had two large cabinets on either side, boxing in the TV. Inside those cabinets were games and movies. On the bottom were two small openings. One held a BluRay, while the other held a WiiU.

Typically, the day would be more productive, but due to the fact that I should be decorating for the party, it's a bit laid back.

Speaking of decoration, Tyler and Ethan were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago...

"Whatever. All that matters is this place being clean. And that means  no boxes..." I say aloud. In the vast emptiness, my voice echoes off the wall and into the sky light of my apartment.

Did I ever mention I had a skylight, well, now I did.

Anyways, time to roll up my sleeves and continue working on my arrival process.

It's always tough moving into a new apartment or house for that matter.

"Today is gonna go great. Today is gonna go great" And this time, I didn't slam into any doors.

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