Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven:

 Anastasia’s POV


     She saw nothing but red, a deep ruby that made her shake in anger. Anastasia’s fingers clenched her cell when Derek’s voice mail played in her ear. This was the millionth time that the bastard hasn’t picked up. Painfully biting her lip, she left him the same message as she did with the many before. Once finished, she stuffed her phone inside her purse and fell backwards on her bed with a light bounce. Her eyes mindlessly scanned he ceiling as she tried to think of a solution for her problem. But there wasn’t one, she was screwed. She knew that Derek was purposely avoiding her and had a good reason why.

   It was him.

    That pale, scrawny boy she seen outside his apartment. The one that had the nerve to confess his feelings towards her man. Yeah, Anastasia was eavesdropping on their conversation and was glad she did. She didn’t trust the boy or the lovesick look he wore whenever he glanced at Derek. It pissed her off. Derek’s was hers and nobody else’s. When he had rejected the boy, Anastasia jumped up in the air with triumph. Whatever that was going on between them was over. She could finally have Derek all back to herself now, although he was always hers to begin with. There was no competition especially not with the boy. He was nothing compared to her. She was a beautiful goddess while he, an unattractive lonely teenage boy who needed to get a life.

    But she was still curious about him. During her sex sessions with Derek, she would ask about him. Mainly what relations they shared. When she did, Derek would brush her questions as if saying it wasn’t any of her concern. But it was. Because, Anastasia owned Derek whether he liked to think so or not. It was two years ago when he made her his official holla back girl. Anastasia was flattered because Derek’s looks could reel him in any girl he desired. He chose her and that made her incredibly big headed. With sex, Derek started off as the dominant one but Anastasia quickly stole that position away from him. She was aggressive and ordered him around like a drill sergeant.

  Anastasia was used for other things besides sex. At the time, Derek was going through a rough phrase because of his parent’s death. He needed someone to comfort him and Anastasia did just that. She gladly accepted him in her arms. She promised him she will never leave him, no matter what. But Anastasia should have forced him to make the same promise to her. She could feel their distance widening with each day that came. Before he would call for her every day, now it’s the other way around.

    She would call for him, hoping that he will pick up. Sometimes he does. He listens to her plead for him to let her come over. He always denies her, his voice ripped of no emotion. It scared Anastasia. She didn’t appreciate this side of her man. She wasn’t used to him being so cold. She even visited by his place to only to have the door rudely slammed in her face. He made it very clear that he didn’t want to see her. Her ignored calls were confirming that even more.

   Anastasia huffed, not liking the position she was in. She was being shut out and there was no way in hell she was going to stand for it. She was going to get her man back, despite what he had to say. If she had to, she’ll drag him by his pretty hair. She smirked. It then turned into a frown when she became aware of one important thing.

   Where was Derek?

     Since the sexy bastard wasn’t answering his phone, she was left in the dark about his location. There was only one option left. Anastasia dug out her cell from her purse, went to her contacts and called a number. She was told to call it in emergency situations only. To Anastasia this was an emergency situation.

 “Hello?” answered a groggily voice from the other line.

      Anastasia smiled at the familiarity of the tone.

  “Peter” she smiled wider and almost jumped for joy.

   “Ana, darling is that you?” he asked using her nickname he created for her.

       Any other person, she would cuss them out. Anastasia hated having her name shortened. But from Peter it was alright because the two were alike in so many ways.

     “Yes, it is” she said cheerfully.

      “What can I do for you?”

         Anastasia could hear some shuffling in the background along with a girly laughter. Looks like Peter was busy so she’ll make it quick.

   “I require a favor and it has to do with your nephew”

     “Is that so?” his tone was now interested. “I’m listening”

      “I want you to tell me where he’s at?”

         A chuckle from Peter.

       “Don’t tell me your leash on him has gotten loose?”

             A blush hugged Anastasia’s cheeks and she coughed, trying to cover her embarrassment.

     “Just please tell me!” she wasn’t in the mood for his antics.

     Peter sighed and Anastasia imagined him getting down to business. She was well aware of how Peter will find, Derek. On the third night they hooked up, Anastasia discovered he was a werewolf and so was his uncle who usually stopped by to annoy his nephew and bathe Anastasia in compliments of how ravishing she was. She isn’t going to life.  When she first heard the news that they were supernatural she almost ran for the hills.  It took a lot of begging from Derek and steamy sex for her to accept the information.

   “I’ve found him” said Peter.

    Anastasia perked up, ready to hear the information.

    “He’s at Beacon Hills hospital. Room 225. Good luck. He’s with someone and judging from the way his heart is beating, it’s someone he likes”

   Anastasia grimaced at his sentence but thanked Peter anyway. They hung up on each other. She then grabbed her purse and raced out of her apartment and to her car that was parked on the curb of the street. Slamming the driver door shut, she roared her vehicle to life.

   “I’m coming for you baby and this time I will make you mine!” she said with possessiveness.

A/N: I’m back! I’m sorry for my absent. I failed a few classes but all is good now. I wanted to write this chapter in Anastasia’s point of view because it was fun to write in and I wanted to give you guys insight of what’s she thinking. I’ll update soon!

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