Episode 2: Under Pressure

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“Its weird, they're alive but we’re supposed to ride inside of them.” Graham tells Kade and I facepalm at the idiots I call my brothers “Don’t be a wimp Graham their just vehicles.” I glare at Kade, I would throw a wrench at him but I’m still cleaning them from when they fell into a mud puddle. “Hey we can hear you ya know.” Heatwave tells Kade who looks scared and Graham jumps on Boulders, I’m not sure what it’s called. The Team leaves the firehouse and I run over to the command center turning on my COM. I grab my laptop and quickly send a town wide message that will be sent to every phone, computer, pager, radio and TV on the island that says ‘If you live near Gateway street please stay indoors, and if you are going there please go around ~Griffon Rock Rescue Team’ I created the system in case of emergencies. I look over at the COM screen in time to see Kade stomp away from the bots and I sigh, stubbornness runs deep in this family. {These humans don’t realize they're on a team} Heatwave COMs the base and I give him a calm down gesture. “Don’t worry Heatwave, we’ll talk to ‘m.” Cody tries to calm the red bot before blowing his bangs out of his face. I push my ponytails over my shoulders and lean my head on Codys shoulder and he puts his arm around me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1st TIME SKIP OF MANY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I follow Cody into the kitchen where Kade is getting something out of the cabinet “Hey Kade.” Cody greets our brother and I wave and smirk when he jumps like a gun went off. Cody is leaning against the fridge and I’m sitting on the counter. “Can I pop that for ya?” Cody asks motioning to the popcorn bag in Kades hands and I just grab the notebook I draw blueprints in from my utility belt, I’m working on a second COM bracelet that only connects to the bots COM’s. Kade just holds out the bag and Cody walks forward grabbing it and pressing the pop button on the bag. “Ya know, it’s pretty amazing you get to be partners with an alien!” Cody is using the ‘butter up’ technique a favorite when working with Kade. “Oh yay amazing I have to ask my ride to roll down my own window.” Kade snaps going to walk upstairs and I roll my eyes beginning to sketch the bracelet design in my notebook. “But you and Heatwave have tons in common! He..” Cody calls after Kade who stops “It’s not a he Cody. Its a truck.” I snarl lightly making Kade flinch before he walks upstairs. Cody sighs so I jump on his back hugging him from behind. He grabs my legs so I don’t fall off. “Thanks Ann I needed that.” Cody tells me after a minute and I hug him tighter as he begins to walk outside.

“And back home Blades had wheels, he never flew until he got to Earth!” Cody yells to Dani who is climbing the rock wall thing Dad built. “Thats why he’s so bad at it.” Dani replys making me sigh, at least she called Blades a he. “Plus he kinda  hates heights.” Cody adds sheepishly shrugging. “Blades is my partner, he better learn to love ‘m.” I facepalm again she could t least try to help him get over his fear. Dani rings the bell letting people know she got to the top and Cody sighs again and I pat his back before he goes to find Graham.

I am hanging out with the bots, I love hanging out with them and they like it too. I’m sitting on Blades shoulder when they get a message from their leader Optimus Prime, who I met earlier. “This isn’t working Optimus are partners don’t want anything to do with us.” Heatwave starts pacing in front of the screen. “Actually Chief and I get along quite well.” Chase cuts in moving forward slightly making Heatwave growl “How are we supposed to complete your to help humans if they won’t let us?” Heatwave asks making me frown, I love having the bots here what if they leave? “I am certain that you will find a way Heatwave. Remember learning to communicate with humans is also part of your mission.” Optimus answers cooly, Blades moves his left arm because I’m on his right shoulder “My partner communicates loud and clear, especially loud.” Blades tells Optimus and I pat his faceplate lightly and he gives me a soft smile. “Well Cody and Annie have been trying to help us fit in.” Boulder adds and gives me a smile which I return before squeaking when I see Optimus’s eyes are trained on me. “Then take guidance from Cody and Annie, I have found that the young of this species are the most valuable allies.” Optimus orders the team giving me a nod which I return with a smile. “Make friends? With all due respect Optimus thats all you have to say?” Heatwave starts and Optimus makes a weird face “Not entirely, Rescue Bots. Good Luck.” Optimus tells the bots before closing the COM. Heatwave looked like he was going to say something before sighing and crossing his arms. Someone opens the door and all of our heads snap over to see Cody “Guys, woah.” Cody walks in and looks around wide eyed  “I didn’t know the bunker had a secret room!” Cody turns in a circle taking it all in. “How did it go Cody?” Blades asks putting me on the ground so I don’t fall off his shoulder. Cody sighs, that's never good. “New plan, Kade, Dani and Graham don’t know you like we do. Right?” Blades kneels down and if I could talk I’d ask if he was proposing. “Well you all just need to bond.” “What does bonding entail??” Heatwave asks 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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