Chapter 4- You should have told us

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Jade P.O.V

We walk in and gasp at what we see, I feel myself become faint at the sight. Charlotte was beating Perrie, everywhere but her face and below her elbows, there was bruises and scars obviously this has happened before. Charlotte also had glass in her hands, she must have smashed the mirror by pushing Perrie in it to get the glass, she pushed the glass on to Perrie's skin and dragged it across her stomach, not deep enough to cause any serious damage but enough to leave thin scars after it heals. She then started using her nails to scratch open the cuts she left with the glass, she was smirking and then started to kiss Perrie while she screamed in agony and bleeding. "Get off her!" I shout, she stops and looks up at me, "Aww your friends you left are here, tell them to leave again so we can continue this" she snarls at Perrie. She raises her hand and smashes it into Perrie's stomach so she bends over, she pushes Perrie to the floor so she can have a better look at us, "You see I have complete control over her, she is weak and the thing is" she starts and get closer to us, "I never loved her, this is all for money" she laughs.

We stand there shocked at what she says, "What do you mean that it was all for money?" Leigh asks angry and shocked, "I mean that there is someone else behind this, they have met Perrie before, the main reason she ever stayed with me was that I had information on her, information she was terrified off. The person paid me to ruin her life while breaking all her relationships up" she laughs, I watch Jesy walk over to her and punch her jaw so she falls to the floor. "Who is it?" I ask, "I'm not saying, just ask Perrie what happened in the summer three years ago" she smirks and walks out after kissing Perrie's forehead.

We go over to Perrie and see she is breathing heavily, "Perrie, we are taking you to our dorm, we better clean these wounds" Leigh says, we try to stand her up but she was too weak. "Jade, do you want to carry her" Jesy says, more of a demand then a question. I nod and put my arms under Perrie carefully so I could carry her bridal style to our dorm. Once we get in we walk to my bedroom and lie Perrie down on my bed, "We are just going to get the first aid kit" Leigh says, I go to walk with them but Perrie whimpers, "I will stay with her, you two go get the stuff" I say and sit by Perrie.

I sit there a while longer and see she is till bleeding, "Can I strip you? So we can sort out your wounds" I say, "Y-yes" she whimpers, I nod and as gently as possible take her jeans off then her crop top off while removing shoes and socks so she is still in her underwear. I look at her body shocked, everywhere was marked and cut, bruises everywhere. "Perrie you should have told us" I say with tears in my eyes, "I couldn't she knew too much. I wasn't allowed near you, if I did she would tell everyone my secret. We weren't friends anyway so I couldn't ask for help" she says. "Perrie, we were always friends, Charlotte was the only one we didn't like" I say. "I know, she reminds me daily that I'm not worth saving, I thought that I should't bother you three" she says, "Charlotte is a horrible person, she doesn't deserve you, she never loved you" I say, "I know, I found that out after the sixth bruise, I then found out I lost my true love. Unfortunately I think I lost her forever" she sighs staring at the wall, "I still love the girl I told my feelings too a year ago, Perrie, I still love you" I say. "But I can't be with you. I treated you horribly, I am a nasty and evil person" she says, "No you aren't you never did a thing wrong, Charlotte was manipulating you, I promise" I say, the door opens and the other two girls walk in.

We start off by washing the wounds with salt water, which made her gasp. Then rubbing cream on them and plastering or bandaging all the wounds. "Anywhere else?" Leigh asks, Perrie sits up and shows us her back where a long cut is. "God she was a monster, how did you survive?" Jesy asks, "I would just think happy thoughts but they kind of left so I had to survive with seeing you happy everyday, it made me happy that you were" she says. We sort her cut on her back then hand her some warm soup, "So she knows something about you?" I ask, "Yeah, I'd rather not say what happened that summer. It was horrible and alot of misunderstanding, things happened that changed me and the people there" she says, "So we can never know?" I say, she shakes her head and finishes her soup. "Thank you for the soup but I better go back to my dorm, Charlotte will be waiting" Perrie sighs and tries to stand, "You can't go back there, she will hurt you more" Jesy says, "What else can I do?" she asks, "Stay here, we have a free bed, dump her sorry ass and join us" Leigh says. "I can't she knows too much" Perrie groans, "But has she ever told you all details of what happened that summer?" Leigh asks, Perrie thinks then shakes her head, "Then how do you know that the person who paid her told her all details, the person may not want people to know what happened either so just told her when it happened so she had a more reliable threat" Leigh says cleverly. "Maybe, can you come with me if it's okay" Perrie asks, "Yeah sure" I say.

We go to Perrie and Charlotte's dorm and start packing her stuff, we hear the front door open and footsteps, Charlotte walks in and stares at Perrie, "Not even a goodbye kiss or hug?" she asks fake smiling, "No, you don't even deserve a handshake" Perrie sighs, she does this a lot I notice. We grab her things and carry them to our dorm room then my bedroom, there was a free bed so me and Perrie made the bed while Jesy and Leigh put Perrie's clothes in the wardrobe. We walk out and into the lounge, "I think maybe telling someone what happened could help releave the stress" Perrie says, "We are always here to listen, we won't judge, promise" I say, the other two nod in agreement. "Okay well, I will tell you in a few days when I know we are okay with each other" she says. "Okay, we want to be friends again anyway, we missed you" Leigh says hugging Perrie, "I missed you three too" Perrie says and wraps us all in a hug. "Maybe this will get better" she sighs but happily this time.

No ones P.O.V 

Unfortunately everything gets a lot worse before getting better, only if Perrie knew what was going to happen to her in the next few days... 


Thank you for all the votes and comments, keep doing it though as it really helps make me update faster. I will probably update one chapter on either book every day, well that's my aim, hope you are enjoying this book and the other one :) xx

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