The Ninja

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     At Outpost 5 there was a sense of urgency. All nonessential communication was controlled and Robyn was complaining that Drakes men needed more training but time was running out. Ready or not the tin men were going fully operational in 2 days. They had even reactivated Drakes men as RVW Company A.

       Sandy came in with the good news. "We've reestablished communication lines with Phobos. It's good enough for long distance operations."

Pulling the sheet of paper out of my front pocket I tried to smooth out the folds before I read the second objective: Activate NJ model Operator to disable aerial defenses."

"TIM PLAYA! TIM PLAYA!" I called out.
"Right here Joe! No need to yell I was just in the next room! What's going on?"

"Your up Tim ! They got the antennas up and running. So we're in business. Next step calls for a so called ninja warrior to figure out how to disable the system."
       "Joe when I'm operating an NJ droid  I AM a Ninja Warrior! There isn't any "so called" as you put it Ninja."
       " I don't know....."
        "Oh yea of little faith I will show you when the time is right."
        "OK I've never see a 'ninja' in real life."

"I've been checking out prints we have of the system at Outpost 1 and I think I know what needs to be done but I need to get into the Comm Room. Their missile system is dependent on accurate tracking. The automated system tracks by simple triangulation. If I can knock out 1 leg or mess their calibration they'll be useless for targeting 189 or any other spacecraft.

"We'll get to it then. I've got the Raiders on board 189. We've wasted enough time. I need to get up in the air. Let us know how it goes and I'm going to leave Sandy here to help you guys out."
       "WHAT? NO I WANT TO GO !" she protested.
       "Sorry kid I promised your folks I'd keep you safe. You're staying here. We'll be back afterwards. NO arguing. It's a direct order."
I added.

Leaving before there was time for further discussion I entered the airlock and slipped my helmet on. The door sealed behind me and then I entered 189 and waved thru the door window.

DJ greeted me as I climbed the ladder into the rear entryway. "Hey Boss ready to go?"

"I was just about to ask you the same question."

"We're all set. Got the Raiders settled in and Jakes in the cockpit chomping at the bit. Paul's already charted a straight route to Phobos he's in his seat waiting and I have the big dispenser of coffee brewing as we speak."
        "Do we have escort fighters?"I asked.
        "Two of them. Sitting in the launch bay."
        "That gonna be good enough?"
       "It's perfect boss. Don't want any excess weight. We'll be fine."

After the transport left Sandy was pacing the room angrily. Muttering beneath her breath. Tim called out to her, "Hey Sandy! Come on over. I've going to show you how this thing works."

"What? Sorry Tim I wasn't paying attention what did you say?"

"I was going to introduce you to the wonderful world of droid special ops."

"What are you talking about? I've seen what Drakes men do with these tin men."

"You ain't seen what the Ninja model can do."

"Well no but-"

"Watch and prepare to be amazed." With a press of a button the screen lit up and the screen display began to focus. On Phobos in the hallways of the back 40 basement restraining latches released the cover to an aluminum droid coffin. There was a distinct pop as the hermetically sealed top opened and a small droid sat up erect and opened its eyes.

Outpost 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ