(46) You're just in my shirt

Start from the beginning

Sometimes I wish I could be here with my family again. My mother, father and Tammy but in different circumstances. But I had Kyle now and he was family to me.

Sometimes you have to lose people to gain. I'm just sorry I had to lose a few people to gain the love of my life.

But I didn't want to think like that no more. This was how my life planned out, none of it could be my fault, I'm sure. What happened, happened, there was no other way to it.

I huffed as I laid there. I was bored up here on my own. I rolled out of the messy, screwed up bed and went to my draw. Just as I was about to pull out a pair of jeans, Kyle came running up the stairs two at a time.

"She's gone," he huffed. I looked to him.

"Don't be so mean," I pouted his way but he chuckled.

"I'm only joking, I love my mother really, I'm a big mammas boy at heart, I just wanted to spend my morning with you," he pouted straight back.

"You said you had somewhere to be," I pointed to him and he stated down at my finger before smiling devishly.

"I do, but not until a little later, I just wanted to get up so I could see you prance around in my shirt," I threw a pair of jeans at his face but he caught it swiftly before it even touched my target.

"Good one," he replied. I stuck my tongue out at him and he bombed over to my body. "You know what I want right now?" He whispered in my ear. I shivered.


"Tub time, with you," he bit my earlobe and I mewled lightly.

"Tub time?" I breathed. He nodded his head as his chin touched my shoulder.

"Snuggles in the bath with my wife," he replied slowly. I nodded my head without saying a word. He took my breath away. I couldn't reply. "Want that?" He kissed my cheek and I nodded again.


"Good," was his only reply before he waltzed into the bathroom and turned on the tap for the bath.

He fiddled around in there for a whole before sauntering over to me.

"Any reason why?" I asked as I got my breath back and my bearings. Kyle shook his head and chuckled.

"Can't a guy just want to spend time with his missus in total peace and quiet?"

"Why in the bath?" Kyle chuckled again.

"Because I like the bath and I like you too," he smiled mischievously. Oh what he did to me.

"Like? You like me?" I laid a hand to my chest in mock hurt. But Kyle only laid a peck on my lips.

"Yeah, and I love you too,"

"That doesn't make sense," I retorted. Kyle just rolled his eyes.

"Get in the bath," he demanded playfully. He took hold of my hand and pulled me into the bathroom.

After getting unchanged Kyle laid in the bath and I stepped in after him. His thighs were wrapped around mine as I felt his body behind me. His arms laid over my shoulders and I leaned my head into his chest.

"I want to ask you something," he said quietly.

"Oh?" What could he possible want to ask. Asking me to marry him was enough for me. Did he need to ask me anything else?

"Yeah, well, my family and I usually go to this event every year, it's held in a really posh hall in a place I used to live before I moved here. It's a really important thing as it's held by my father and most people go, so of course when my mother just told me about it again, I knew I couldn't say no whether I wanted to,"

"Why would you want to?" I asked as the water sloshed beside of us and his heart beated behind my skull.

Kyle's arm lifted up to scrape the nape of his neck, something he did when he was uncomfortable or feeling awkward. "I didn't see the point now, plus I'd rather stay in with you," he sounded almost desperate, as if he really didn't want to go. My mind boggled but I didn't press further. He had a bad past in the place he used to live in.

"Well you should go," I didn't want to force him but I knew it was important. "It's important to your family," I stated. He knew it too.

"Will you come with me?" He asked. "I don't want to leave you here alone,"

"Of course," I replied. I wanted to see the place Kyle grew up in. I wanted to attend this event held by his father and see the people from his past. "When is it?" I asked. Kyle took hold of my hand absentmindedly and started playing with my wedding ring on my finger.

"Tomorrow," I nodded my head slowly.

"Okay, okay, I think I have something nice to wear," I mumbled almost to my self.

"If all else fails, love, you can wear your wedding dress and then everyone will know you're mine and mine only, the boys I grew up with where more sexually out there, it's disgusting looking back now," he shivered slightly and I took hold of his hand. Bless him.

"Will we see them tomorrow? All the people you grew up with?" I asked, hoping we would. I wanted a little bit more insight in who he was before he turned out to be this man.

"Yeah, I just hope some people don't come because I'd rather never see their faces again," he stated. I turned around to look at him. His eyes seemed distracted and glassy as he zoned out while looking at my wedding ring on my finger.

"Like who?" I asked.

"Do you want to get out of here? It's getting quite cold," he asked as he dodged my question.

"Uh...okay," I was unsure and a little confused and I knew he obviously dodged my question on purpose. But did it matter? Should I press on? I didn't think I should. All would be revealed some how, maybe I could have a chat with his mother.

"Come on, sweatheart, let's get you out and warm, then I need to shoot off and do some really important things, but I'll be back before you know it," he got out of the bath and carried me out as he wrapped a towel around my body.

I was a little freaked out by his behaviour.

"Can't I come with?" I asked. Kyle shook his head.

"Nope," was his only reply. More suspicious feelings came to me and I didn't know what to do or how to feel with them all prancing around my body.

"Why not?" I asked again. He laid my down on the bed.

"Because," was his only reply again before he stopped me from answering anymore by covering my lips with his.

What was he playing at?


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