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         "Looking at your notes, the words that are actually legible seem to be positive. Do you think that this will work?"
         "Actually, I think it will. I mean, that is assuming that the people involved work together and try."
       The principle nodded in agreement before telling me to leave. Angel is not going to be happy. Not at all. And I found out just unhappy she was the next day. The day my life really started to go to shit. But I'll get to that later.
         "Are you kidding me? Why did you say it was working!"
          Angel had to watch over a Pyro maniac named Sebastian and he was definitely on the crazy side. But again, that's another story for another time. But that's when we met him. Sebastian Bain. Hot as hell with a fiery temper. 
              "Sebastian, the girl in the pink jacket will be your buddy. Angel, this is Sebastian. I hope you looked over his file carefully. Oh, and Mrs. Rose, Mrs. Van Hunt, I want you and your buddies to stay after school each day for a special program. Thank you in advance for your dedication in helping these poor, misguided children re enter society."
              And of course our beloved principle walked away calm as can be after leaving us with two criminals. Then again, she wasn't in any danger, we were.
             "Well, I'll see you in seventh. Have fun with Sebastian."
            I calmly walked to first as Angel glared at the back of my head. And, oh boy, if looks could kill, I'd have dropped to the floor dead in a second.
            So, as it turned out, this "class" after school was for all the delinquents and their "buddies". In all it was Angel, Sebastian, Ebony, a crazy chick named Corrine, her "buddy" Toria, a boy who looked like he kicked puppies in his spare time named Andrew, his "buddy" Tabitha, another goth boy who called himself Amoret and his keeper, Amber and myself, of course.
         "The point if this class is to bring you and your buddy closer together and so each of you can have your own little support group."
          The bubbly health teacher was certainly trying her best to get us all excited, but the moods in the room seemed to only be fear, boredom, and anger. And the fear seemed only to be coming from shy little Tabitha. And who could blame her? Andrew was twice her size with at least twice the muscle mass. If it came down to a fight, he would definitely win.
          Toria would also have her hands full. Corrine was as crazy as Harley Quinn and seemed to be just as violent. However, Corrine was about Tabbie's size and could be held down easily.
          Amoret seemed like the type who only broke the law to seem cool and "edgy" and looking at him now, he probably only got in trouble for petty theft or possession of weed or something equally small and nonthreatening. He was small and probably couldn't lift fifty pounds if he tried. Amber definitely got off easy.
         The teacher kept talking, but only Angel cared enough to listen, much less take notes. I really hope this is just for a semester.

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