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I glared at my alarm clock as it went off, signaling the start of the day, and the God forsaken project. Why do I have to deal with a theif? An alcoholic? A God damned girl that trouble clung to her like it was a second skin. I just hope she molts. That's all I can think as I get ready for the day. All too soon my sister is ushering me out the door and we both head over to Jose's car. The blonde and pink haired girl greets us as we get into the car. We head off to hell, or school if you'd rather.  My red hair hung in my eyes as I walked into the Commons area and waited for my freinds and Ebony, as I found was her middle name. Anna Ebony Smith, a name I knew I'd grow to hate. A name that belonged to a girl that I already did hate. But why? Why am I being so quick to judge? I'm a lot like her, so why in my mind do I think she is worse than me? Me and Jose, we did stupid things. The only difference between us and Ebony is that we were never caught. So why do I think of her as such a bad person? I don't know why she acted this way, perhaps she has a reason. With these thoughts, I feel as though today won't be so bad. Maybe I can befreind the girl. She would definitely fit in. "Ember, I heard you are the first person to be a part of the project. If this goes well, I've at least already read up on the guy I'll be assigned next week", Angel says to me. "Oh?" " Let's just say, I hope Ebony messes up. This guy is bad news." I nod in response. Soon, the principle and Ebony stand in front of me. Well, let's see how well we do. Though I do belive this won't end well. I go to shake hands with Ebony, only pulling it away after she simply glances at it and back to me. Of course the Queen of Darkness, her words not mine, she legit spray painted that on a police building, would not shake hands with me. The principle walked away once she saw that Ebony was not going to hurt anyone. Joy, I think, sarcasm lacing the word. " Let's get to class, unless you want breakfast, of course." Its the only thing I can say. " That depends, is the food edible?" She seems genuinely curious. " Edible, yes. Would I suggest it? No. The school has rats. Are you hungry?" She doesn't respond, but I take it as a yes and hand her a granola bar from my bag. She glances at it before shoving it in her hoodie pocket. We walk off to math, the worst class of them all in my opinion. Worse than usual because instead of only dealing with my crazy freind, I now have to deal with Ebony. God help me.  All period Ebony was talking about giving me this piercing or that so I could look "cool". Was this her way of wanting to be my freind? The events of second period snuffed that thought out. First, she stepped on the dream catcher that hung from my bag. When she noticed my anger she just shrugged. MY DECEASED GRANDMOTHER GAVE ME THAT. She better pray I can fix it. Then, she insulted the teacher, then a girl in the class, when she was asked to do a problem on the board. And now she spilled my coffee on my white jack skellington shirt. I can't wait until the end of the day.
   Well I fucked up. While I tried to irritate this chick, I never meant to break her dream catcher. Unlike some these other idiots, she hasn't been mean to me. She hasn't said one word to suggest she thought she was better, even when I ruined her shirt. It's shocking how patient she is, yet I can tell she's mad. Maybe this entire "project" idea isn't as stupid as I thought though. Maybe, just maybe, I can fix this enough so I can stay.

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