Author's note

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Assalamu alaikum beautiful people!.

Hello there! Yes you! I'm waving at ya right now.

My name is Zahra Mohammed. I'm from nigeria. Am soo duper exicted right now that I do have a lot to say. I donno how all these got started buh I always do had the passion to write. I started by writing short write ups before i could reach a stage like this. Yeah a stage like this !I had some hard cover books of different colours, some are made diary while some are for what just comes to my mind. It's challenging I tell you cause I gotta use my phone and not to forget am not a master in English. It's not my mothers tongue, errs may come across while reading buh I will make sure everything's Okay before i get through writing. What's keeping me up is all the encouragements backing me up from loved ones. I love you ❤. I never find it difficult reaching to the peak! To be sincere here it's challenging.I say it's challenging from critusisime i get, some say it's a waste of time and it hurts. Imagine putting in all effort in something you like and get critisized, how will it feel!? I don't know for you really buh for me it hurts. Amma say shout out to those loving ones who encourage me alot, keep it going for it really means alot to me ♥. I hope as you are reading I get that encouragement also.
I always do have this view to life on focusing on my goals and going for what I want. I do. The thing here is chasing my dreams are my top one priority and I will keep on chasing till I achive them, insha Allah. It was told to me by alot of people.
I have interest in Reading, writing and drawing since when I was a little girl, as I grew the passion for it increased. They are so much my things, It's a way I sometimes explain how I feel or my mood. Each and every one of us have a way they do explain how they feel, Am I right? They are all sort of ways you can express your self. Mine i've told you, what about yours? I could be Glad to here from you.All you have to do is drop me a comment and I will go through it. ;)

Everything is just simple for me all by following my instincts.
My dreams.
Anything else I can do.
Positivity. ❤
Great achivements.

I know I say too much, i just got to do soo, lol.
That's that.

Well i have not to say much ...all you have to do is to follow on and enjoy *wink*wink*

I love you.


Don't forget to always vote and comment they mean alot to me ♥.

Follow @ MissZahra18.

~Zahra Mohammed ~

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