Chapter 10 {Epilogue}

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The service was short and somber. A priest quietly spoke while high society families comforted Suzette's grieving aunt.

Will she be buried here or on her home planet? Do her parents know? Are they okay? Are you okay?

Clark quietly sat in the pews opposite Suzette's aunt, along with Bruce and Lois. Looking around, Clark realized Suzette didn't have many people to begin with. And that almost made it worse.


Clark had been invited to the reading of Suzette's last will and testament. It was rather short, because she was only thirty five, and lived in an apartment.

"To you, Angelica Northcoast, Ms. Lemaine left her property and clothes." The lawyer read off.

Clark was surprised to hear his name next.

"To Clark Kent, Ms. Lemaine has left you all her legal Earth documentation. Any papers concerning her birthplace and travel." The lawyer confirmed.

Clark sat back in awe. Suzette wanted him to have proof. Proof that metahumans weren't all evil. And now he had it.

"Lex Luthor!" Clark froze.
"Yes, just a minute." Lex brushed past him, an icy glare thrown his way.
"Ms. Lemaine has left you her housecat Darjeeling, and her collection of books." The lawyer told Lex.
"Everything else Ms. Lemaine has left to public property and will be auctioned off in the next week. Good day." The lawyer dismissed.

Clark watched Lex approach the cat carrier, where Darjeeling was meowing for its owner. Lex opened the carrier and scooped the cat into his arms. The cat seems pleased at this and purred.

"There there, kitty. It'll all be alright."

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