Chapter 1

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"Maybe you can talk a little too, Suzette. Maybe about your project?" Lex Luthor mused, hopping up to sit on his desk.
"Oh I don't know. I feel like we should really stay focused tonight." Suzette objected.
"If you insist." Lex shrugged, tapping his fingers on the desk.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Enter." Lex called.

Mercy opened the door and came in, making a beeline for Lex.

"I just need your confirmation on a few faces for the event tonight." She explained.
"Of course. Suzette, if you'll excuse me?" He grinned apologetically.
"No prob boss." Suzette nodded and quickly exited.

As the door clicked behind her, he sighed.

"...and stop calling me boss."


"Honey, I'm home!" Suzette chuckled quietly as she closed the door behind her, entering her home.
A small calico cat approached her, rubbing against her leg and meowing loudly.

"I know! I'm never home this early. Here, I'll feed you now since I'm going to be back late tonight."

Suzette fed her cat and then went to the bathroom to shower. After a quick shower, she observed the time and found it to be six thirty. The event started at eight, so she decided to get ready.


Suzette parked and entered LexCorp, her black dress swishing with every step, her high heels clacking. She quickly located her employer and greeted him politely.

"Hello Suzette, on time as always. My speech is about an hour. How do I look?" Lex rambled.

He spread his arms wide.

"Dressed to kill. To the nines." Suzette praised.
"Oh, you flatterer." He grinned.
"Lex Luthor. It's an honor." A deep voice interrupted.

Lex Luthor turned and shook the mans hand.

"Bruce Wayne. The pleasure is all mine. Suzette, meet my competition." He joked.

Suzette took his hand and shook it.

"Suzette Lemaine. I'm Mr. Luthor's assistant." She introduced politely.
"Wow, Luthor, a metahuman. Aren't you progressive." Bruce praised.
"Of course. I'm trying to accumulate a diverse workforce." Lex nodded.

A third man joined them. He had dark hair, glasses and a serious face which quickly turned playful.

"Clark Kent. Reporter, Daily Planet."
"Ah! Clark Kent meets Bruce Wayne! I love bringing people together." Lex clasped his hands together.

"Lex Luthor to main stage." A voice droned.

"Whoops, that's my cue. I'll catch you fellas later." Lex gave a slight bow and left.
"Break a leg, boss!" Suzette called after him.

Bruce bowed his head. "You'll have to excuse me."

Then he departed, and Clark and Suzette were alone.

"It must be really interesting being a meta human at the helm of one of the biggest companies in Metropolis." Clark prodded.
"I guess. It's pretty stressful, actually." Suzette admitted.
"You know, I'd love to interview you sometime. Are you free tomorrow?" Clark inquired.
"I normally don't get out of work until until nine. But I have Sunday off." Suzette informed him.
"Excellent. Metro park, say, four o clock?" Clark asked.
"It's an interview!" Suzette chuckled.
"Great. Okay, so I have to go, but I'll see you then." Clark confirmed, and then waved goodbye and left.

Suzette watched as Lex finished his speech and exited the stage. He then grabbed a glass of champagne off of a tray he was passing and chugged half of it before sidling up next to Suzette.

"So did I do okay?" He asked eagerly.
"For sure." Suzette agreed absently.
"Suzette." Lex said seriously.
"Yeah?" She asked, finally looking at him.
"Don't lie to me. If there's one thing I despise, it's liars." He looked directly at her, almost through her.
"I was talking to that reporter, so I wasn't really listening. I'm sorry, boss." Suzette apologized, bowing her head in embarrassment.

Lex seemed to freeze up for a moment at the mention of Clark, but Suzette shrugged it off.

"I see," Lex began quietly. "Thank you for your honesty. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have other guests to attend to." He started to walk off before pausing. He looked over his shoulder and said: "And please, call me Lex." And he walked away.


Arriving back at home at around eleven, Suzette was exhausted, especially knowing she had to get up at five the next morning giving her only six hours of precious sleep. She pulled off her heels and dress and pulled a large tee shirt over her head. She carefully took off her sparkly makeup with a washcloth and undid her updo. Finally ready for bed, she snuggled under her duvet and drifted off.

The Boss (Lex Luthor)Where stories live. Discover now