“It’s been a long time since we’ve last spoken to each other, Tamo,” Shirogane took a glance toward his friend, “since we were eight or nine? I can’t remember. Sorry about that, you know how busy father gets and we had to move back to the north. Mother didn’t want us moving too much, so she had father return to the south as she kept Daisuke and I in school at the north. She claimed it wasn’t healthy to have children growing up without friends.”

He took his arm band from his left arm and stretched it out, “Though either way, those aristocrat kids kept belittling Daisuke. They would push him, steal his lunch money, and tease about being the teacher’s favorite student. I had to step in and protect my brother, even if I’m the younger one. I got tired of them making Daisuke cry,” Shirogane stopped stretching the armband and gripped it tightly. “I admit I did beat them up until they cried for their moms. Yes, I’d get an earful from the teachers and from my mother…but I hate it, hated seeing my brother cry. I thought, hell, if they can make Daisuke cry, why can I not make them cry?

“I know it’s not the same. But I see it as that, they’d hurt Daisuke physically and emotionally! Why could I not hurt them physically? If it’s ok for them to bully my brother,” Shirogane hugs his knees and mutters, “then it’s ok for me to hurt them as well.”

                He blinked and sighed as the wind danced swiftly across the field, “Daisuke is one of the advisors of the emperor in the north now. He’s always busy there, because of both our work we would sometimes miss each other’s birthday. I feel awful every day when I don’t see him. I love Daisuke, ever since our school days I felt like I needed to be there with him to protect him. He always gets hurt”

The tower’s bell rang, signaling noon. Shirogane huffed and looked next to him, “It has been so long, Tamotsu. I have to go visit your father now.” He stood up and solemnly smiles at Tamotsu, “Again, I’m sorry I missed your funeral. I hope you can forgive me, and please don’t forget your father. I’m sure he misses you just as much as I do.”

                He left the grave of his beloved friend behind. His heart was still heavy, I’m terribly sorry.

                “You’re late!” She stood in front of the palace gates with her arms crossed across her chest, “Major and the king have been expecting you twenty-three minutes ago! Where’ve you been?”

                “Nine years since we’ve last seen each other and you are still the brat I remember you being!” Shirogane pulls on his coat, buttoning it up and pulling on his armband. “And for your information, I was visiting the prince’s grave.”

                Haruka nodded, “I see, you’re excused I suppose. But you should’ve gone to visit him before you even got to your father’s house. He’s been asking me if you’ve passed yet.”

                Shirogane walked down the quiet halls, their footsteps echoing down the white halls. Haruka informing the general of the king’s plans of reforming the government, she didn’t know much but she did her best to explain. He nods in understanding, now standing in front of the king’s chambers and listens to Haruka wrapping up the information she has for him. She quickly straightens up his uniform, “You’re such a slob”

                “Thank you, wife,” Shirogane ruffles her hair receiving a snort.

                “Go in before your father stomps on the pretty face of yours,” Haruka stomps off. “Idiot”

                He pulls open the door, seeing three men in the room at the king’s desk. Kane notices Shirogane and smiles, “Hello, Shirogane! It’s been a long time, you’ve grown so much! You look so much like your father”

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