He raises his eyebrows at me. I move closer to him.

“At least, I hope I won’t,” I whisper.

“Well, maybe I could escort you,” he says, his voice husky. I could almost laugh at how easy this is.

“I don’t actually have anywhere to sleep tonight,” I sigh, stepping away. His face lights up and he flicks the cigarette away.

“Well, it so happens I have a place,” he says, “if you’d like?”

“Thank you so much,” I smile. He leads me to his car and in minutes we’re sitting on his lounge.

“So,” he says, putting one arm around my shoulders, “I didn’t get your name.”

“Jennifer,” I lie, “Jen for short.”

“Well, Jen,” he says, running a hand up my leg, “have you got anything for me?”

“I do, actually,” I say.

“Yeah? What’s that?”

“This,” I murmur leaning towards him.


Five minutes later I’m full and ready to go home. I meet Lupin at the entrance to the castle as the sun is rising. He looks like he had a hellish night.

“How’d it go?” he asks.

“Great,” I reply, “you look terrible.”


“At least there’s no class today,” I point out. He nods, yawning.

“I’m going straight to bed,” he says, “goodnight.”

“Morning you mean,” I say.


I laugh and run up to Ravenclaw tower, feeling bright and energetic. I sneak into the dormitory and grab a change of clothes before heading to the showers. I scrub my hair and shave my legs. Once I’m finished I climb out and throw my dirty clothes in the laundry chute. I wrap my towel around me and stand in front of the mirror. I can hear the other girls stirring in the common room, so I know I won’t have the bathroom to myself for much longer. I pull out some hair mousse and scrunch it through my wet hair. Since I fed last night I don’t have any blemishes on my skin, so I brush some grey eye shadow on and slick a light coat of lip gloss over my mouth. I get dressed into a short grey dress with black spider web stockings and black ballet flats. Then Chrissie walks into the bathroom, so I leave and make my way down to the Great Hall. George is already there with a bunch of Gryffindors. I’m unsure if I should go over to him, so I walk towards the Ravenclaw table. I see Fred nudge him and he looks around and grins.

“Hey!” he says, bounding over to me.

“Hi,” I say back, feeling shy.

“Do you want to have breakfast with us?” he asks. I’m not hungry, but I follow him over to the table. Angelina is arguing with the Quidditch captain about something as we sit down.

“I'm telling you, Oliver, it's not going to work,” she says firmly, “the Slytherins' attack is too strong, we need to focus on our tightening our defences and developing stronger attacks.”

“I know, but we also need to think about their keeper,” Oliver argues.

“But we can't get to their keeper if their chasers take the quaffle,” Angelina exclaims.

“She's right,” I say as Oliver opens his mouth to argue back, “you have a strong attack, but your defence is weak. You're the best of the keepers, but you need to work with the chasers to get their defence formations tighter.”

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