Chapter 37

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I wake up on January first and stretch, yawning widely. This is my first birthday at Hogwarts. I'm half excited-half disappointed. I'll get to spend it with George, but I won't get a cake. I sit up and see a present from Mum and Dad sitting at the end of the bed. I decide to open it before I go down to breakfast. It's a huge books titled "Vampires: A History and Bloodline". I roll my eyes and tuck it under my bed.

I get dressed and walk downstairs. I'm not hungry as I went hunting last night, but I'm hoping the Gryffindors will be at breakfast. If not, I'm going to go for a walk in the grounds. I poke my head into the Great Hall just long enough to see that they're not there, then head outside. There is a thick layer of snow covering the ground. I try to tread lightly to stay on top of it, but I quickly sink up to my knees.

I feel different now, being sixteen. Freer. I flop down in the snow and wiggle my arms, making a snow bat. I climb to my feet, smiling to myself. Then I notice Professor Dumbledore watching me. I blush deeply, but he smiles. I walk over to him, wondering what he's doing out here.

"Your parents sent me a letter," he says, giving me the impression he can read my thoughts, "they want to pick you up to take you to the Ministry."

I groan inwardly. I'd forgotten. At sixteen you can be registered as an animagus, the theory being that over the year from sixteen to seventeen, when you can use magic, you will have lessons and practice becoming an animagi. So today I have to go and sign a piece of paper saying I'll learn to be a bat. Great.

"They'll meet you at the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade," Dumbledore says, "I made them promise to have you back by dinner."

"Thank you, sir," I say.

I have to walk back up to Ravenclaw tower to get my wand. I consider going to see George before I leave, but there's no guarantee that he'll be in the Gryffindor tower still and my parents will be grumpy if I keep them waiting.

I use a spell to melt my way through the snow down to the gates. They open as I approach, which is somewhat ominous. By the time I'm nearing the village I regret not putting on a scarf and hat. I push the door open to the Three Broomsticks and see my parents sitting at the bar.

"Happy birthday, darling," Mum says, embracing me. Dad echoes the sentiment.

"Thanks for the book," I say.

"I hope you'll enjoy it," Mum says, "and find it enlightening."

"I'm sure I will," I say, trying not to roll my eyes. We step outside and I side-along apparate with Dad to the ministry.

"This way," he says, sweeping through the foyer. As we walk he nods to and greets various people. They're probably not used to seeing him here during the day time. He works in the Department of Mysteries, so he works mostly at night. It's a convenient cover.

We get into the lift with a bunch of other ministry workers.


"Oh, hello Mr. Weasley," I say, smiling.

"How are you?" he ask.

"I'm good, thank you," I say, "how're you?"

"Good, good," he nods, "I don't think we've met. Arthur Weasley."

He frees a hand and extends it to my father who shakes it solemnly.

"Drago Dunmore," he says, "Weasley did you say?"

"George's dad, yeah," I mutter. Dad raises an eyebrow at me and I tread on his foot.

"Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," Dad says, "we must have you over for dinner one day, once school is out."

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